Giving Back
Photo credit via pexels.

It’s a busy life, and we can often forget that the smallest of things can matter a great deal to others. I, for one, think that expressing gratitude and showing loved ones you care can and should be one of the simplest acts we do in daily life. But yet through no fault of our own, we can get wrapped up in daily schedules and sink under those “to do” lists and before we know it another day has passed. Often we can be a little negative minded as well when it comes to life, and so I thought now, being January, would be the perfect time to share with you some simple steps you can take to show gratitude and give a little back.

Giving to the local food bank or collection point

Unfortunately, in today’s society, there are many people that are struggling to make ends meet. One of the biggest things that suffer for those families in questions is buying food for everyone. So we have a seen an increase in things like food banks and collection points where people can donate canned items and dried foods to help out those needy families. It doesn’t take much to add an extra can to your shopping trolley or to clear out your cupboards once every few months.

Sending thank you notes or thoughtful words

We can all be a little guilty of this from time to time, but as we have just left the festive season it is now the perfect opportunity to express gratitude for gifts or families making long journeys to spend time with you. It can be a simple as sending a note of thanks scribed on things like stationery personalized with your details. Who doesn’t love receiving notes in the post? Even the art of writing those notes can be therapeutic.

Just smile

Smiling is contagious, and can cheer someone up who’s having a bad day just by this small action. Smile as often as you can to anyone, and make someone’s day.

Making a conscious effort to find good in every day

We are not all blessed with good days, and it can be through those dark times where we feel the most lost. But I challenge you to try and find something good in every day just before you fall asleep at night. This kind of positiveness and acts of gratitude is simple but effective.

Tell someone you love them or care about them

How often do we tell those people we love that we care and love them dearly? Probably not as often as we should. Make it your mission to ensure those you love, know that you do.

Make extra when cooking and give it a friend or someone who needs it

Who ends up making more food than they need when making a big pan of something? So instead of it being accidental, make it intentional and give it to a friend or better still someone who needs it.

Help a charity spread awareness

Finally, many of us will have a charity that is close to our hearts. While giving to the charity is a great, why not help them spread awareness. You could do anything from a sponsored run or event or just talk to people about it when the opportunity arises.

I hope this has put a smile on your face and helps you show more gratitude.