If you’re interested in trading in your old toxic cleaning supplies for some eco-friendly alternatives, you may be surprised at how many options might already be available to you without even having to go to the store. In fact, the most popular eco-friendly cleaning alternatives can be brewed in your own home from basic ingredients that are found in most pantries. Before you get started, take a look at the following list of ingredients to see what you already have and what you might have to go and get. Even if you are missing a number of them, they are all inexpensive and readily found at your local grocery store. Making your own green cleaning supplies will save you money and ensure a non-toxic environment for you, your family and your pets.
Common Green Cleaning Ingredients
- Water
- Baking Soda
- Essential Oils (e.g. eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil)
- Orange or Lemon Peels
- Vegetable Oil
- Castile Soap
- White Vinegar
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Borax
- Castile Soap
- Dish Soap
- Salt
Once you have at least the majority of these ingredients, you are well on your way to putting together an all-purpose, eco-friendly cleaning arsenal. Below are some recipes for frequently used cleaning solutions that can be put together from these simple ingredients. These are just a handful of green cleaning recipes, while there is a huge variety that can be put together using the simple ingredients listed above.
1. All-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner
Keeping a clean kitchen is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Since this is the place that food is prepared, it’s important to make sure that the types of cleaners used in the kitchen are non-toxic. You do not want even the slightest residue of any toxic chemicals making their way into a meal.
To begin, you’ll need a spray bottle, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of baking soda, and a ½ teaspoon of dish soap. Use a funnel and fill the spray bottle with all of the aforementioned ingredients, seal the bottle and shake it well. Let the bottle sit for a minute or two to allow the contents to settle. From there, fill the remainder of the spray bottle with warm water and shake again. Allow another 2 to 4 minutes and add a few drops of essential oil. Now you have a highly effective and powerful cleanser that was not only inexpensive and easy to make but will be absolutely safe to use around the kitchen.
2. Stove-top, Ceramic, or Tile Cleaner
This highly effective cleaner is surprisingly easy to make. You will need a bowl, a 1/3 to a 1/2 cup of baking soda and a sponge for application. Simply pour the desired amount of baking soda into the bowl and mix with warm water until it becomes a thick paste. Apply the paste to your sponge and be amazed at how easily you can make your stove-top sparkle. After scrubbing with the paste, you can use a wet rag to clean up any residue from the paste left over on the surface.
3. Glass Cleaner
Making a powerful and effective glass cleaner is equally easy to do with just two of the ingredients on our list. You will need a spray bottle, 4 cups of warm water, and a 1/4 to a 1/3 cup vinegar. Mix the water and vinegar together in the spray bottle and you are ready to wipe out all the streaks and spots on your windows and other glass surfaces. A rag or newspaper will work equally well for applying and wiping the solution.
4. Scouring Powder
For a highly effective scouring powder, mix together 1 cup of salt, 1 cup of borax and 1 cup of baking soda. Make sure all of the ingredients are mixed evenly. From here you can simply sprinkle an appropriate amount on to a hard surface and wipe with a rag or sponge. A wet rag can be used to finalize the job and remove residue.
As easy and inexpensive as making your own environmentally sound cleaning products at home can be, if you’re like the majority of people today, you may prefer to spend the little ‘free’ time you have on other activities. Using a green cleaning service can be an inexpensive way to save time and ensure a non-toxic clean household every week.
jessica z says
We have been making our own detergent, bleach and dish washing detergent lately to save money and get away from harsh chemicals. I cannot wait to try these recipes!
Angie Fiack says
I started using vinegar, baking soda, lemon, etc., years ago as a newly- wed because homemade cleaners are so much less expensive.
tisme143 says
these are all great and i do most of them now and use those products, i always have on hand.. nothing like a fresh clean natural way to clean up without breathing all kind of chemicals ,, thanks for share
Laura Brewer says
I use Vinegar to clean on almost everything! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
lil_lady_dz says
Thanks for the all purpose cleaner recipe. I usually buy the eco friendly cleaners in store, but I like the fact of being able to make it myself, seems inexpensive and a great way to save money.
Amy Adams says
This is one article I’m printing out so I can keep the ingredient list needed for DIY cleaning agents. Much more friendly on the environment!
Mishelle says
I like that these recipes can be used anywhere and be green at the same time! Thanks!
Kimberly Flickinger says
Thank you so much for these diy green cleaning recipes! I will keep these on hand for the next time I clean which is not too far away!