Start A New Hobby And Get In Shape

Losing weight and getting in shape is a common goal. But for many, this concept immediately conjures up thoughts of restrictive diets and boring exercises. The result is a desire to avoid the idea of fitness all together. After all, being hungry and working out does not appeal to most people. On the flip side, if you get involved in a ‘physical’ hobby, you can expect to lose weight and get in shape while having fun.

Lots of physical activities can be turned into enjoyable hobbies. Instead of boring exercises you will be doing something that you look forward to. Not only will you participate in the activity with enthusiasm, you will do so as much and as often as possible. The outcome is that you will have fun while you burn calories and build muscles. It’s a win-win-win situation.

Great Physical Activity Options

Fencing is a great option for anyone looking to develop coordination. This is a competitive sport that includes lunging and stretching. It results in increased leg strength, agility and flexibility, improved balance, cardio fitness, and increased endurance.

Rowing is a sport that can be enjoyed alone or with others. It provides a total body workout and it is excellent for cardiovascular fitness. Much of the work of the rowing stroke is powered by the legs. Power provided by the upper body works to build muscle, tone the body, and it strengthens the back.

Stand up paddle boarding is gaining in popularity with those that enjoy water sports. It’s an easy and fun way to spend time on the water and get a full body workout. Stand up paddle boarding, or SUP, requires very little equipment and the sport can be enjoyed on lakes, oceans, and rivers.

A benefit of the sport is that you are standing up, which means your activities are enhanced by views around you. This can even include getting views of water creatures. The equipment needed includes a stand up paddleboard, a paddle, and a flotation device.

If you are looking for something that provides a high intensity workout you may want to check out specially calibrated workout programs. Such workouts combines gymnastics and aerobics with weight training. The combo effect results in overall conditioning. After a short period of time you will be stronger, healthier, and in shape.

One of the best things about high intensity training is that the intense workouts can require 15 minutes or less to complete. You will see results quickly because you give it your all during that short but concentrated workout. In CrossFit, for example, workouts you are competing against yourself.

6 responses to “Start A New Hobby And Get In Shape”

  1. Arya Avatar

    I love to exercise and get in shape all the time. i have always taken care of my self. like this article

  2. Jill Jacoby Avatar

    I have not heard the word Fencing since I moved to Florida as a child. I remember seeing it in NY and thought it looked like fun. I have seen people starting to use stand up paddle boards on the river near me. I tend to stick to walking the dogs.

  3. LAMusing Avatar

    I’m hoping to get a Wii soon so I can use their exercise/sports programs – I figure it’s more fun to “bowl” play “basketball” or “fence” !

  4. lisa Avatar

    That is my idea of getting in shape. I am not one that likes traditional exercise routines.

  5. Seronica G Avatar
    Seronica G

    I take dance class to get in shape

  6. Stephanie Thompson Avatar
    Stephanie Thompson

    I am needing to get going on exercising and loosing weight but the motivation is not in me. I do like to dance too, so that would be fun and I would get into shape.