Looking Forward to this Frozen Treat

Looking Forward to this Frozen Treat

Looking Forward to this Frozen Treat

So, I finally broke down and ordered the Popsicle Making Kit from AHALife! I know, so not necessary! I had enough credits from inviting friends that I got it for FREE! It definitely beats the ice cube trays! We will give a full report and video on this item as soon as we receive it! So, I know the Bandit is going to be super excited about this… probably not quite as excited as he was when he spotted the Slushy Magic on tv earlier, but still excited! I kid you not – as soon as he spotted that thing on tv he ran to me and said, “Mommy we have got to contact them to do a review on this!” haha!

One response to “Looking Forward to this Frozen Treat”

  1. Holly Hennessy Swint Avatar
    Holly Hennessy Swint

    YUMMY! I want some!! LOL 😀