It Works Skinny Pack Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator Prize Pack Giveaway

It Works Skinny Pack Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator Prize Pack GiveawayIt Works Skinny Pack Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator Prize Pack Giveaway

Enter to win this awesome Skinny Pack from It Works Global!

The Skinny Pack has all the tightening, firming, and defining of the Ultimate Body Applicator and Defining Gel, plus the fat and carb fighting powers of Advanced Formula Fat Fighter.

  • Tighten, tone, and firm in 45 minutes with the Ultimate Body Applicator
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins with Defining Gel
  • Absorb less fat and carbs even after you’ve eaten them!
  • Balance your blood sugar levels to reduce cravings
  • Cut those diet-killing carb cravings

Includes: 4 Ultimate Body Applicators (1 box with 4 applications), 1 Defining Gel (6.0 fl. oz), 1 Advanced Formula Fat Fighter with Carb Inhibitors (60 Tablets)

It Works Global also offers a fabulous opportunity that will change your life! Make one decision that will transform your life and become a distributor of these great products! When you launch your career with It Works you get the opportunity to be your own boss, work from home, and it will open the door to providing you with an unlimited income! Learn more about It Works and how it can change your life!

This is a limited time offer and ends soon, but ask me how you can earn a $10,000 BONUS to sign up as a distributor!

It Works Skinny Pack Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator Prize Pack Giveaway


Enter to win your very own Skinny Pack below! Giveaway is open worldwide, 18 years of age and older. Giveaway ends July 9 at 11:59 pm EST. Good luck!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Giveaway Bandit contains endorsements for products and services, which means when you click on a link that I recommend, I may receive a commission. Not every link is an affiliate link. Giveaway Bandit is in no way sponsored, affiliated, or endorsed by It Works! Global. However, the owner of Giveaway Bandit is an independent distributor of It Works!

95 responses to “It Works Skinny Pack Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator Prize Pack Giveaway”

  1. tyger Avatar

    I can be skinny in 45 minutes!

  2. Susan Avatar

    I would love to win this. Thank you.

  3. Erin Cash Avatar
    Erin Cash

    The defining gel helps get rid of stretch marks. Thank you for the giveaway.

  4. Danni Avatar

    I learned “It Works” has most than just wraps, they have whole systems! who knew?

  5. Ashley Winkelmann Avatar

    They could possibly have some items that can help with my stomach issues

  6. Grant L. Avatar
    Grant L.

    I learned a new great way to lose weight.

  7. Nikki Perry Avatar

    I learned you only have to wrap for 45 minutes to see results! amazing!!!

  8. wendy g Avatar
    wendy g

    works in as little as 45 mins

  9. Nicole B Avatar
    Nicole B

    I would love to be skinny in 45 minutes!!

  10. Paula Carr Avatar
    Paula Carr

    I learned that this stuff really works! Thanks!

  11. Sue Ellison Avatar
    Sue Ellison

    I learned that It Works is one of the fastest growing companies in the US.

  12. Rachel Tiller Avatar

    I learned that it has all natural ingredients.

  13. Kristin Gilbert Avatar
    Kristin Gilbert

    I learned how fast I could lose weight- perrrrrrfect!!!

  14. Brandi Price Avatar
    Brandi Price

    The company was started in 1995

  15. Lanie K. Avatar
    Lanie K.

    I learned now quickly it is to see and feel results. I would love to try this!

  16. Amber Eames Avatar
    Amber Eames

    The defining gel helps get rid of stretch marks?! AWESOME!

  17. Tammy S Avatar
    Tammy S

    I learned that it is naturally based body contouring line that delivers maximum results in minimal time.

  18. Kellie lineberry Avatar
    Kellie lineberry

    I learned that it starts toning and firming in as little as one application and that its not just for your mid section but for you thighs as well.

  19. brandy Avatar

    learned you only have to wrap for 45 minutes to see results!

  20. rebeka deleon Avatar
    rebeka deleon

    they have products to help with stretch marks and also firming. i hate stretch marks!

  21. Cheryl Rahkonen Avatar
    Cheryl Rahkonen

    I thought “It Works” just had wraps – I was wrong. They have supplements for weight loss, muscles and joints, and menopausal symptoms

  22. Terri Betz Avatar
    Terri Betz

    That they also sell face creams, eye lift creams, and other stuff that I didn’t know about!

  23. Krys R Avatar
    Krys R

    They also have a product called Greens, a delicious orange-flavored, alkalizing drink powder with the nutritional value of 8+ servings of fruits and vegetables in each serving.

  24. J Wresh Avatar
    J Wresh

    you can tone, tighten and firm in as little as 45 minutes!

  25. amanda roach Avatar
    amanda roach

    its a great way to lose weight

  26. paige fowler Avatar
    paige fowler

    The defining gel helps get rid of stretch marks

  27. Judith R. Avatar
    Judith R.

    I read the testimonies of real people with REAL results.

  28. Angela Hartness Avatar
    Angela Hartness

    With the Ultimate Body Applicator you can tighten, tone, and firm in 45 minutes.

  29. carol roberts Avatar
    carol roberts

    tigtens and firms in 45 min.. using the ultimate body

  30. Kendall Avatar

    I learned that they recently got new headquarters (last year). 🙂

  31. Cindy Offenburger Avatar

    That you only to wrap for 45 minutes, to see results! That would be great!

  32. Jennifer Saarinen Avatar

    Save up to 45% with the loyalty program.

  33. chris z Avatar
    chris z

    i learned it helps get rid of stretch marks

  34. Deb K Avatar

    I learned that it works and in only 45 mins!!

  35. Julie Lynn Bickham Avatar
    Julie Lynn Bickham

    I learned that It Works! started in 2001.

  36. randy fulgham Avatar


  37. randy fulgham Avatar


  38. clare blakeslee toll Avatar
    clare blakeslee toll

    In 2011, It Works! was ranked on Inc. Magazine’s prestigious Inc. 500/5000 list as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies in its category.

  39. joretta foster Avatar
    joretta foster

    The company was started in 1995

  40. Casey Avatar

    They have gel for stretch marks!

  41. InezbyDesign Avatar

    This is what I found out…The It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator has been featured in the Emmy® and Oscar® Awards celebrity gift suites, as well as promoted by celebrity makeup artists on movie sets.

  42. Maria Oller Avatar
    Maria Oller

    Learned that you only need to wrap for 45 mins, quite impressive

  43. Paul T / Pauline T Avatar
    Paul T / Pauline T

    I learned that with every order you place, you’ll earn Perks Points equal to 10% of the subtotal of your order before taxes and shipping

  44. Lynnette Watkins Avatar
    Lynnette Watkins

    Balance your blood sugar levels to reduce cravings

  45. susan varney Avatar
    susan varney

    In 2010, It Works! expanded into Australia and select areas of Europe, and the company continued to break new records throughout the year

  46. Amanda Alvarado Avatar
    Amanda Alvarado

    I learned the Defining Gel decreases the appearance of varicose veins! Too bad it’s WAY out of our price range!

    1. wallywonks Avatar

      A great thing about becoming a loyal customer is that you get the products for up to 45% off! They are so worth it!

  47. Karen Propes Avatar
    Karen Propes

    Luis Mijares, the formulator behind the It Works! body contouring and skin care products. He is well known for working with natural ingredients.

  48. Bernice Avatar

    I learn you can notice a change after 4 uses

  49. jenn Avatar

    Their top 2 doctors recommend Its vital

  50. Susana H. Avatar
    Susana H.

    The defining gel helps to firm abs, back legs and upper arms! Awesome

  51. Jacqui Avatar

    I Learned that It Works!

  52. Holly S. Avatar
    Holly S.

    I learned that In 2011, It Works! was ranked on Inc. Magazine’s prestigious Inc. 500/5000 list as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies in its category. Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Anika Hughes Avatar
    Anika Hughes

    The stretch mark cream is moisturizing.

  54. Jennifer Mae Hiles Avatar
    Jennifer Mae Hiles

    I learned that the gel will help stretch marks!

  55. kamilah Avatar

    it’s nationally accalimed

  56. Saira Khan Avatar
    Saira Khan

    It seems awesome.. i need to use it first then i can be able to say something..

  57. Bridget Avatar

    It is not JUST for inch loss, but also for detoxing the body

  58. Kathleen Quinlan Avatar

    I have tried the wraps, they are nice, but did not have the follow up gel. Thanks:)

  59. sara m ford Avatar
    sara m ford

    it helps to clean your body as well is help take inchs off

  60. Theresa Avatar

    It can work in 45 minutes!

  61. doreen lamoureux Avatar
    doreen lamoureux

    I learned that they have the Skinny Pack for 211.00

  62. Susan Chester Avatar

    I learned that on July 14th the It Works will be at the Double Tree in Seattle.

  63. Katie Wurn Avatar

    i learned that the products are a blend of science and nature

  64. chelesa sims Avatar
    chelesa sims

    I learned that the ultimate applicator has been featured at celebrity events

  65. Lori Alcorn Avatar
    Lori Alcorn

    I learned this is a whole system that works together to get me skinny again

  66. Jan Avatar

    You could have a “Wrap Party!” What fun!

  67. Paige Kelley Avatar
    Paige Kelley

    I learned quite a bit. It takes 45 minutes to start the process off right but it will continue to work even after the wrap has been removed. Helps to absorb fat after you’ve taken the pills. Balances blood sugar level!

  68. Heather Garcia Avatar
    Heather Garcia

    Even without the wrap on it continues to fight the fat

  69. Sara Valoroso Avatar
    Sara Valoroso

    I learned that balancing out your blood sugar levels reduces your cravings

  70. Belinda McNabb Avatar
    Belinda McNabb

    I learned Greens blends 38 herbs and nutrient-rich “superfoods” to provide vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and enzymes in their naturally-occurring, bio-active, bio-available form

  71. Tanya Avatar

    Being a mother of 5 kids it would be great to win this and lose weight in as little as 45 minutes.

  72. Moon Avatar

    I’ve learned that It Works not only makes body wraps, but they also make products for aging facial features, which I would love to try out!

  73. Trisha B Avatar
    Trisha B

    I learned that you can see results in as little as 45 minutes.

  74. Judy Bradley Avatar
    Judy Bradley

    I learned there is a doctor involved which makes me feel a little better as I am always skeptical about these things.

  75. Meg Tucker Avatar

    Learned about the “Wrap” Parties as well as that it tones and tightens in addition to very quick results!! 🙂

  76. Terri Avatar

    I learned it only takes 45 mins.

  77. HC Montgomery Avatar
    HC Montgomery

    I learned that in little as 45 minutes it will work to tighten and tone, leaving visible results.

  78. clare blakeslee toll Avatar
    clare blakeslee toll

    I totally want to win this!

  79. Lisa Fonseca Avatar
    Lisa Fonseca

    I didn’t know they had products for menopausal symptoms.

  80. jamie capwell Avatar
    jamie capwell

    i would love to win this

  81. Daiva Avatar

    I’ve learned that the Ultimate Pack would be ideal for my weight loss.

  82. suzette arndt Avatar
    suzette arndt

    I learned it will work in 45 min and it will tighten and tone. Need this so bad

    1. wallywonks Avatar

      You should try it! You can get a box of wraps for $59 at It Works!

  83. Audra Avatar

    It’s the Worlds first body contouring solution of it’s kind.

  84. Lynn Avatar

    I leasrned that they have put these in celebrity gift baskets at awards shows, lol!

  85. Amber Miller Avatar
    Amber Miller

    learned that it’s a great way to tighten and tone your body

  86. ARIN BARBARO Avatar

    I learned that the wraps can be used basically anywhere and you can lose inches in specific problem areas and you can also make a living doing it as well. Amazing I would love to try it especially after having a baby.

  87. Vonnie B. Avatar
    Vonnie B.

    tightening, toning, and firming results in 45 minutes!!

  88. Melanie Morin Avatar
    Melanie Morin

    I’ve learned that In 2011, It Works! was ranked on Inc. Magazine’s prestigious Inc. 500/5000 list as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies in its category.

  89. Jeanette Jackson Avatar
    Jeanette Jackson

    I found out in 2011, It Works! was ranked on Inc. Magazine’s prestigious Inc. 500/5000 list as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies in its category.

  90. shirley zolenski Avatar
    shirley zolenski

    I learned that this company is one of the fastest growing in the United States

  91. leah wu Avatar
    leah wu

    “it works” noticeably in 45 minutes.

  92. Kat Emerick Avatar
    Kat Emerick

    I learned you only have to wrap for 45 minutes to see results

  93. Holly Mitkowski Avatar

    real people CAN lose weight!