How to Pit Cherries Cherry Chomper Review

How to Pit Cherries

How to Pit Cherries Cherry Chomper Review

So you want to know how to pit cherries? Have you every tried to pit cherries without a pitter? It’s hard. It’s messy. And the cherry never comes out looking like Martha Stewart does it! We have found the cutest little pitter called the Cherry Chomper.

The Cherry Chomper can pit a cherry or olive. It is safe and quick to use. The Bandit is always getting out the Cherry Chomper and pitting his own cherries. He loves it! It’s a great way to get kids involved and they get to eat healthy. To use you just push down on the top of the device and it pushes the cherry pit and juice into the bottom container of the pitter. The protective ‘tooth’ on Mr. Chomper keeps hands and fingers from the sharp components.

It is also super easy to clean. It is dishwasher safe but we quickly wash him off under the sink and let him air dry. He is only 6″ tall so it’s convenient to store away in your cabinets or on your kitchen counter.

Watch the Bandit below show you how to pit cherries with the Cherry Chomper:

WeAim2PleezYou can purchase the Cherry Chomper from WeAim2Pleez on ebay! WeAim2Pleez is owned and operated by the Bandit’s uncle (my brother), Kasey Baxter. He started WeAim2Pleez in 1999. At the age of 5 he was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and in 2004, at age 28, he underwent a bilateral (double) lung transplant. Although he continues to battle CF he has managed to grow his successful ebay business with over 70,000 in feedback! This is a great example that despite challenges in ones life they can still be successful. WeAim2Pleez isย an excellent source for a little bit of everything you might need.ย He sells collectibles, home & garden, sporting goods, clothing, shoes & accessories, toys, and much more! I suggest you check out his store to see all the great items he’s offering now.

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How to Pit Cherries Cherry Chomper Review

29 responses to “How to Pit Cherries Cherry Chomper Review”

  1. Anna McMullen Avatar

    Love the video. This is a neat kitchen tool. My daughter loves cherries but they are mess to eat and have the pits laying around after she has eaten a handful.

    1. wallywonks Avatar

      I laid down a towel under the cherry chomper because it was still a little messy. It does help a lot though and they are pretty affordable. My son absolutely loves using it and is eating cherries all the time now. Plus, it’s super cute ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Michelle Avatar

    Super cool tool, I love cherries. I will certainly get on ebay. and I can’t get over how awesome little COle is at these videos. Kudos to him!!

  3. Kristen Jeffery Avatar

    How neat!!! We don’t eat cherries but if I had this we might start!

  4. Lyn Kelley Avatar
    Lyn Kelley

    Wow, this is wonderful! My Mom loves cherries and would love having this! I might have to look into it for her birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Coralie Avatar

    This would be great! My kids love cherries. I am not such a big fan, but they would love to do this.

  6. kayla sutton Avatar
    kayla sutton

    I loveeee this my sons love cherries =)

  7. Tricia Batchelder Avatar
    Tricia Batchelder

    This looks so easy and something even my niece could do. She would have a blast.

  8. Michelle Rufener Avatar
    Michelle Rufener

    We just ate around the pit as a kid.. we had cherry trees in our yard and my gma had one

  9. Crisstina McCaslin Avatar
    Crisstina McCaslin

    What a good idea. I need one know for my 3 year old. I usually just bite the pits out then give her the cherry lol

  10. Ryan Martin Avatar
    Ryan Martin

    Loved the Video! lol It Was Really Neat!

  11. laurie nykaza Avatar
    laurie nykaza

    I did not know you could buy this my family would love to have one to use for cherries and olives too wonderful gift too.

  12. danielle Avatar

    that is cool

  13. Tina Avatar

    I could have used this a few years ago. My daughter had to bake a homemade completely from scratch cherry pie. Yup we had to pit the cherries. She still remembers her red hands. It was fun but boy a lot of work.

  14. Theresa Wilson Avatar
    Theresa Wilson

    Cute video. I am sure there is quite a mess with one of these. I have never used one myself. Thanks for the review, very informative.

  15. Michelle J. Avatar
    Michelle J.

    I’m not usually one for unitask kitchen gadgets, but this is so cute!! I think this would be perfect for the kids in our family. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Jaime Manring Avatar
    Jaime Manring

    Very cute kitchen addition, boy do I love cherries. I have a bing cherry tree and a baking cherry tree, this would be awesome!

  17. peggy fedison Avatar
    peggy fedison

    hehehe this is so cute and smart. i love cherries.. would love to be able to pit them ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. cindy mckean Avatar
    cindy mckean

    This is such a great idea, my MIL loves cherries so this would make a great gift for her and I will definitely check out your brothers shop on Ebay!!

  19. Mary Fagans Avatar
    Mary Fagans

    What a neat little gadget! I love cherries, so this would be very helpful!

  20. Angelia Medlin Avatar
    Angelia Medlin

    Very cute video. I never thought about needing a pit remover for my olives or cherries. Thanks for sharing the information in a cute way!

  21. Brandy Hadley Avatar
    Brandy Hadley

    This looks pretty cool! How neat!!!

  22. Dawn Sterner Avatar
    Dawn Sterner

    Great video! Your reviews are always so fun! This Cherry Chomper is awesome & I love that it can used for olives too!

  23. Rose Tente Avatar

    Love the video-Love Cherries

  24. Lily Kwan Avatar
    Lily Kwan

    The Cherry Chomper looks very nice. Thanks for the interesting and informative review!

  25. Addi Avatar

    This is great! I have never even heard of a product like this before! Great video

  26. kathy t Avatar

    OOOOH this video shows my kids they can use this product. This young man is a great support for this product HOW CUTE

  27. Tara Avatar

    Oh what a cool thing! I don’t like cherries so I didn’t even know what to do to them, my husband takes care of them when we buy them ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved your story about your brother & that is just amazing what he did with his ebay shop! I hope for continued success for him!

  28. Meg Avatar

    This is such a great little product! I like cherries but never liked removing the pit by hand. It’s nice to know there’s a product that does it for you!