Image By: promanex
With many events happening between the end of April and beginning of May, here are some activities that are fun for children to do but most importantly educational too!
22nd April, Earth Day
A day that not many people realise exists; this was established in the US in 1970. It’s a day to think about our planet and all the things that we can do to keep it special. Simple things like, how we can save water, reduce pollution, protect the animals, trees and our general environment.
A great thing for children to do is to plant their own flowers at home, a simple bulb from your local garden centre will do the trick. Get the children to plant it themselves (with supervision) but explain to them that the bulb we need to be nurtured, so get the children to water the bulb every other day and watch it grow! This is a great way for children to become responsible and to give them something to call their own.
The same activity can be done in school but instead of a bulb, use cress seeds instead. All you will need is a clear yoghurt pot or plastic cup for each child, cress seeds and some compost to put in each of the pots. A simple task but also an effective one, the children will be able to see their cress seeds growing every day when they come to school and you can also teach them about how their plant will need light in order to grow and how important that is. It will be something that the children have created so let the children water them and care for them and then when the time is right, eat them
1st May, May Day
May Day is celebrated around the world in various different ways; but the one thing that is universally popular in May Day traditions is flowers. Why not get your children to make a ‘May Day Cone Basket’; all you will need is some bright coloured paper? Get your children to make a cone shape with the paper, once you have assisted them in doing that, leave them to design their own flowers using different coloured paper. Get them to draw their favourite flower, cut it out and then make stems for these flowers. You can then stick the flower to the stem and put it in the cone. After doing this several times, the children would have made their own hanging flower basket, which is traditional to do in some countries.
Schools can do this exact same activity but using real flowers instead. Get the children to go outside and pick their own flowers and ask why they have chosen that specific type. You can also get the children to make their very own garland using flowers, which again is traditional in some countries. This gets the children outside and learning about different flora. .
If none of these ideas are suitable to your needs then check out School Stickers Spring Calendar which lists many events that are happening throughout the coming months!
What other spring activities do you inspire your children to take part in? Share in comments below.
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Natasha Russell is a Spring cleaner at heart, also loves everything fun and humorous and writes here for School Stickers.
One response to “How To Get Your Kids Making The Most Of Spring!”
It is such a fun time of year . I’m so excited summer is right around the corner and all of the fun that will bring. Thanks for the tips.