How to Avoid a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad School Year

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

How to Avoid a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad School Year

When someone asked my son today how school was going so far he gave them two thumbs up and said he loves it. I’m so glad he is enjoying fourth grade. He’s always loved school, an early riser and a joy to get around every morning. I couldn’t be happier with him. I’m sure one of these days he’ll think he’s having a VERY BAD DAY! Of course, I’m hoping that sure doesn’t happen!

Here’s some fun tips on how to Avoid a Very Bad School Year for your kids.

  1. Make sure your alarm clock is set for am not pm.
  2. No, your senior quote should not be “#blessed,” or maybe it should.
  3. Your yearbook photo lasts forever, so look your best… #TBT will come back to haunt you.
  4. If the lunch menu contains the word “mystery,” it’s best not to try and solve it.
  5. Teachers know when you’re texting in class, kids. Nobody just looks down at their lap and smiles.

How many of you can relate to these when you were in school? The texting might be pushing it for many of us but I did get my first cell phone when I was 15 or 16 so I’m not quite as old as you might think! lol I do definitely have some #TBT that might come back to haunt me!

Be sure to check out the video of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, VERY BAD DAY! Looks like such a cute movie! I absolutely love Jennifer Garner and Steve Carell. It’s in theaters everywhere October 10, 2014 so don’t miss it!

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Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, VERY BAD DAY opens in theaters October 10th!

Here’s some cute photos of each character in the movie. Can you or anyone in your family relate?

Jennifer Garner as Kelly Cooper…

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

Kerris Dorsey as Emily Cooper…

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

Bella Thorne as Celia…

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

Steve Carell as Ben Cooper…

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

Dylan Minnette as Anthony Cooper…

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

Ed Oxenbould as Alexander Cooperr… I’m thinking he might just be the one having a VERY BAD DAY!

How to Avoid a Very Bad School Year

2 responses to “How to Avoid a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad School Year”

  1. PrettyLittleLiar412 Avatar

    Me and my 8 yr old were looking for a movie to see together, this looks like a good one,

  2. nicole dziedzic Avatar
    nicole dziedzic

    I am exited for my kids new school year. Getting them back into a regular schedule and after school activated is exciting. They are so excited to head back to school.