Please enter to win and help support a great cause! A group of bloggers and business owners have teamed up to do two things – raise money for a man hurt in an accident and offer their readers, fans and customers a chance at some CASH! This event is hosted by the interrupting cow.
You have a chance to win $40 cash (paid via Paypal) and $40 will also be donated to the family of a man hurt in an accident to help with costs associated with his accident.
To enter to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below.
3 responses to “Enter to #Win $40 Cash to Help Someone in Need”
Thank you for the give away hope I win
Already member of No More Rack and Superpoints. This is a wonderful thing you all are doing;helping someone in need with this giveaway..thanks very much for this opportunity!!
Thank you for the chance to win some much needed cash!! We have are going through a really tough time financially and every little bit helps us out so much!! I struggle every month to come up with enough money to pay for all of my medicines and Doctor visits and still have enough left for food. I have no health insurance and am disabled from a back and neck injury and I have many other medical issues. As you can imagine, the medical expenses each month are astronomical. Even though we are struggling, I still find ways to help others. Whenever I can get free products, using coupons, I always donate a portion of the items to other families in need. We don;t have much, but we always give to others in need and God blesses me by allowing me to wake up each morning to see another day!! I love these mission giveaways and think that if everyone would give just a little of themselves to others, whether monetarily or just time, this world would be a better place!! God Bless you and I hope that the injured man and hid family heal rapidly.