Daily Flash Giveaway 1/29-1/30 Many Prizes – Starts at 9 pm EST


Giveaway Bandit has teamed up with other fantastic bloggers to bring you a fabulous One Day Flash Giveaway. ONE winner takes all prizes! Giveaway run from 9:00pm Eastern 1/29/12 to 8:30pm Eastern on 1/30/12. It will be so much fun getting all these prizes in the mail if you win!

Enter to win in the Rafflecopter entry form below! You may need to allow a few moments for it to load.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 responses to “Daily Flash Giveaway 1/29-1/30 Many Prizes – Starts at 9 pm EST”

  1. Tawnya S Avatar
    Tawnya S

    I like moose tracks icecream!

  2. JoAnn F. Avatar
    JoAnn F.

    Rocky road is my fave!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  3. Bernadette Avatar

    Mint chocolate chip is my favorite.

  4. Matt Beam Avatar
    Matt Beam

    Chocolate chocolate

  5. angela dupree Avatar
    angela dupree

    Butter pecan

  6. Dawn McGrath Avatar
    Dawn McGrath

    I love heavenly hash!

  7. Stephanie Salisbury Avatar
    Stephanie Salisbury

    Chocolate hands down!

  8. Sara Wood Avatar
    Sara Wood

    Cookie dough