Looking for some of the best kid gift ideas for Christmas? What if you could win them? You can in today’s best of bloggers kids gift guide giveaway. If you won, you could definitely do some checking off on your shopping list. What’s the hottest toy on your kids’ wish list this holiday season? Good luck everyone!
This giveaway is hosted by Best of Bloggers.
A big thanks to our co-host Pandora’s Deals.
It’s Day 3 of our Gift Guide Giveaway! We’ve given out stocking stuffers and gifts for babies and toddlers…now it’s time for kids! Here is your chance to win big!
ABCmouse is an online learning program for children 2-kindergarten. There are tons of levels, activities, and challenges! Kids will have so much fun they won’t even realize they are learning! And parents can keep track of progress every step of the way! You can get a free 30 day trial too! One winner will win an entire year of ABCmouse!!
To read our full review of ABCmouse click here.
To purchase ABCmouse click here.
American Girl Doll of the Year: Saige
What little girl DOESN’T love American Girl? American Girl dolls are always a loved and treasured gift for any little girl! Saige is the 2013 Girl of the Year and a MUST HAVE gift for under the tree! One winner will win a Saige doll of their own!!
To see our full review of Saige click here.
To purchase Saige or other American Girl Dolls click here.
If you are looking for a magical gift this year check out I See Me! You can customize books, coloring books, lunchboxes and so much more! The stories are sweet and kids love seeing their own names right on the cover! One winner will receive:
– A Christmas Bear For Me – Book with Bear ($39.95 value) With a Keepsake box and bow ($5.95 value) – One Choice Puzzle ($29.95 value) – One choice lunchbox ($29.95 value)
Read our full review on I See Me! here.
To purchase an I See Me book of your own click here.
Little Passports is your child’s ticket to exploring the world without ever leaving home. Each month a package arrives in the mail (and what kid doesn’t love getting packages in the mail?!?) with a new adventure. Your child will join Sam and Sofia doing fun activities learning about new places!
Read our full review on Little Passports here.
To purchase Little Passports here.
If your kids are like mine and have toys EVERYWHERE….get them Neat-Oh! These fun storage bins come in well known characters like Lego, Barbie and Hot Wheels (and many more!). The bins zip down and become fun play mats for kids to play on! One winner will win 5 storage bins (dinosaurs, Barbie, Chima, Lego Star Wars, and Hot Wheels)
To learn more about the products being given away and for our full review click here.
To purchase Neat-Oh click here.
Strider Bikes are probably one of the coolest things ever!! These bicycles were made for kids to learn to ride – no training wheels – from the time they can walk! Yes that means toddlers! On 2 wheels! These balance bikes are light weight, well made and super fun to ride. The bikes aren’t just for toddlers though! They make bigger bikes too! And one winner will win a bike of their own!
To read more about these bikes click here.
To purchase a bike click here.
Delta Room in a Box is a fun line of kids furniture that features their favorite characters. Affordable and the perfect size you can find beds, storage units, tables and more! Having a fun bed is the first step to getting kids to sleep in their own bed! One winner will receive a bed and storage unit in either Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OR Princess Sofia.
To find out more about Delta Room in a Box click here.
To purchase click here.
Wayfair has a zillion things home. If you are looking for furniture or décor Wayfair is THE place to go! Every child needs a beanbag chair – a place to read and play all of their own! These dorm chairs have a nice back to them and a spot to hold a drink and some goodies. And Wayfair will be giving one away!
To read our full review on Wayfair and the beanbag chair click here.
To purchase a chair click here.
Zazoo Kids is an innovative and fun alarm clock for kids. This multi-media clock features pictures for kids who can’t read yet letting them know when it’s time to get up and time to go to sleep. You can upload your own photos and music too which makes it a nice piece that can really grow with your kids! One winner will win a Zazoo Kids Alarm Clock of their own!
To learn more about Zazoo Kids click here. To purchase a clock of your own click here.
Don’t miss any of our other Best of Blogger’s Gift Guide Giveaways! We will be giving over $10,700 worth of prizes away! Click HERE to see the entire Gift Guide and enter for your chance to win!! Now, WHO WANTS TO WIN!?!?! One winner will win all of the items mentioned in our Top Gifts for Kids Gift Guide! You don’t want to miss this!
To inquire about becoming a sponsor for one of our fun events, sponsor a post, or anything else, please contact Melanie at melanie@giveawaybandit.com for details. Take a look at our Media Kit to see what Giveaway Bandit has to offer.
Giveaway Bandit contains endorsements for products and services, which means when you click on a link that I recommend, I may receive a commission. Not every link is an affiliate link. Giveaway Bandit received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for evaluation purposes and is an affiliate of one or more of the products and banners you will see on this site. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 10 CFR, 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Giveaway Bandit Disclosure.
18 responses to “Best of Bloggers Kids Gift Guide Giveaway”
I got a Terry Lee doll which I still have after 60 years.
Best gift ever: a little professor handheld computer (if you can call it that) shaped like an owl. I carried that thing around for months!
I got a puppet that was a huge dog. I loved that puppet.
My best gift was my first cabbage patch doll.I wanted one so bad and loved her.
Easy Bake Oven .. loved it so much!!
Best gift I ever received was my first ever dog! Shepherd-somolian mix
The best gift I got was a big wheel … I was so excited!
a teddy rupxkin
I loved my easy bake oven. I used it a lot.
The best I had ever gotten was a puppy I got when I was 12!!
My all time favorite Christmas gift was a dog I got when I was 8 years old.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
A 3 foot doll. I loved her so much
Baby Alive , I adored that doll.
Mine was a Mickey Mouse record player – so much fun!
my best was when i got my walking doll as tall as i was
I remember a talking doll
My Barbie Townhouse!
WOW! What a great contest. I didn’t have very many toys when I was a child. I was born shortly after the depression and there wasn’t very much money for anything, especially toys. I do remember getting a doll one year, when I was around 6, but we usually just got clothes that we needed and candy.