Who else is a huge fan of ABC’s series Once Upon a Time? We love watching it as a family. I love the characters and the fun suspense that comes with the show. Be sure you join us on September 27th, from 8-9pm EST as we celebrate the return of ABC’s Once Upon a Time with a fun Twitter party! Fans of the tv series will have a chance to catch-up and get ready for the much anticipated season premiere on Sunday, Sept 30th 8/7c. There will be great features such as upcoming clips from the show, photos from the first season, and Once Upon a Time trivia games and quizzes! Plus, there will be some great prizes including Visa gift cards and Once Upon a Time tote bags! Be part of the magic by participating in the Once Upon a Time Twitter party and share what you’re most excited about this upcoming season! We will be using the hashtag #OnceParty. For additional info, check out http://bit.ly/OncePartyFS1!
To participate in the twitter party you must RSVP and don’t forget to mark your calendars to join us on 9/27 from 8-9 pm EST!
Giveaway for the twitter party for a $20 Visa Gift Card, a Once Upon a Time Magnet, and a Wanted: Snow White mini poster print. (1 winner, U.S. Only)
Start spreading the word by retweeting below:
Join Us! ABC’s Once Upon a Time Twitter Party 9/27 – Prizes & More! #OnceParty giveawaybandit.com/abcs-time-twit…
— Giveaway Bandit (@GiveawayBandit) September 26, 2012
This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own. I received a Once Upon a Time magnet and poster as well as compensation for my time investment and work on this campaign.
Meg Tucker says
I’ll be there! See ya tonight!!!
laurie nemeth says
I’ll be there
tammy young says
i want to go
tammy young says
where is it at can i have link plz
Cynthia C says
Never done this before, but I’ll try.
Susan Slacky Faatz says
where is the party?
I want to go.
Kenny F says
I was there!
Meg Tucker says
I didn;t win a prize last night but had fun!!!