Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine Muppets Interview #MuppetsMostWantedEvent


Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine

Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine Muppets Interview

Being able to interview the Muppets Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine for their new movie Muppets Most Wanted was one of the most amazing experiences! We had several interviews at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. I snapped the picture below on the terrace. It was such a beautiful view and a gorgeous day! It was so great to get away from the snow and freezing cold weather here! I think the whole time we were in LA it was in the 70’s and 80’s!

The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills

First of all, I love how the Muppets apologized for being carried in by men. They assured us it was the only way for them to get into the room. Of course, Miss Piggy let us know that’s how she makes such a grand entrance. I’m pretty sure Miss Piggy doesn’t mind being carried around by men once in a while!

I can remember watching the Muppets when I was younger. However, Constantine is the new kid on the block and making his debut in Muppet Most Wanted. They all definitely look great for their age. I believe they debuted on television in the 1950’s and have been popular among children and adults since. I’d love to get the name of Miss Piggy’s dermatologist considering she never looks like she’s aged a day in her life. Maybe it’s a pig thing. Maybe it’s a green thing for Kermit. I just don’t know.

One of the most fascinating things to me during the interview is how they all so easily interact among one another. You can tell they’ve been together a lot on filming and touring the world together. They all joke around and have a lot of fun. They are all extremely witty. I wish I could be half as witty as them! Kermit has always been my favorite Muppet but Constantine has quickly won me over. I’m pretty sure it must be the accent considering he’s such a villain.

Can you find me in the Muppets Most Wanted picture below?

Muppets Most Wanted Interview

The interview immediately started out fun and entertaining. Of course since Constantine is the villain and not exactly on Kermit’s good side, the two were constantly taking innocent digs at one another. Even a few were directed to the gorgeous Miss Piggy. Constantine shortened her name to “Pig” which I’m sure she doesn’t love.

The first question asked was directed toward Constantine and Kermit. Did they wear boxers or briefs? Haha! Constantine quickly spoke up and said he likes to go free and easy. Kermit admitted that he likes to wear boxers every chance he can get but he thinks he looks ridiculous in them. Miss Piggy also sets the record straight on her feud with Joan Rivers. Is it over? If so, who do you think won in the end? Listen to our interview below to find out!

I asked a few questions of my own during the interview. I asked Miss Piggy what her favorite food is and if it might be frog legs. I know, I couldn’t resist! I asked Constantine if he had to workout a lot to be prepared for his fight scene in the film. I also asked Miss Piggy how she stays show fashionable. I really wanted to know how it was working with such an incredible designer like Vivienne Westwood for Miss Piggy’s wedding gown. You’ll have to listen to the video below to find out the answers to all my questions!

I’ve created a YouTube video below of our complete audio interview with Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine!

What was your favorite part of the interview?

Check out my Muppets Most Wanted movie review!

Be sure to follow along to learn more about Muppets Most Wanted and our awesome experience in Los Angeles! Check out our Muppets Most Wanted Red Carpet premiere experience! #MuppetsMostWantedEvent #MuppetsMostWanted

71 responses to “Kermit, Miss Piggy and Constantine Muppets Interview #MuppetsMostWantedEvent”

  1. Ashley Costanzo Avatar
    Ashley Costanzo

    How much fun!!! I can’t wait to see this movie! 🙂

  2. Lynn Avatar

    Way cool!!! The part where you asked about her favorite designer was just priceless, as was her teasing answer about wearing the wedding gown. Hope you had as much fun as it looks/sounds like you did and can’t wait to see the movie for myself.

    P.S. Miss Piggy was an inspiration for us curvy girl long before there were plus-size models or stores like Catherine’s.

  3. Nerdz Rage Avatar
    Nerdz Rage

    so cute lol

  4. lil_lady_dz Avatar

    OMG I would freak out if I could do an interview with the muppets, I been following them since I was a kid myself. They are too funny. Love this!

  5. Joyce Ackley Avatar
    Joyce Ackley

    I liked the answers to your question, Boxers or Briefs? So funny. The interview must have been so much fun.

  6. Lisa Brown Avatar
    Lisa Brown

    Miss Piggy’s favorite food: frog legs, so cute!

  7. Tammi Laney Avatar
    Tammi Laney

    I liked when you asked her about her favorite designer.

  8. Deb Avatar

    I would love to know who their dermatologist is as well.

  9. MK Avatar

    I am just too old to have ever appreciated the Muppets.

  10. Tina F Avatar
    Tina F

    Love it so cool Love the Muppets

  11. Rita :) Avatar
    Rita 🙂

    Very Awesome! 🙂

  12. Carissa Joslyn Avatar
    Carissa Joslyn

    They seem like they would be really awesome to have an interview with! Glad it was an fun and exciting experience! can’t wait to see the movie!

  13. rebecca Avatar

    I got to see the Muppets live on tour in ’88 and it was fun. I’d love to take my kid to see them so that he can have the same experience.

  14. Floritastic Avatar

    I’m looking forward to seeing this movie! The world needs more laughter! (Taj Kingston)

  15. TrishFr Avatar

    Hello, when you mentioned the Muppets were around since the 50’s I had to look it up because I grew up in the 60s and never saw the Muppets. Wiki answers says they came on the scene in 1976 which sounds more like it because I do remember my sister’s younger children watching them and of course my kids grew up with them. Jim Henson did work on some early projects, but they weren’t called Muppets and of course he joined Sesame street in 1966 where a lot of the Muppets were born. It sounds like getting to interview was a blast. Thanks for sharing

  16. Anne Flickinger Avatar
    Anne Flickinger

    looking forward to seeing it, I love Kermit!

  17. mindy Avatar

    My daughter is so excited to see this movie

  18. Sheena Schlosser-Sellers Avatar
    Sheena Schlosser-Sellers

    Can’t wait to take my kids

  19. Kimberly Ann Doremus Avatar
    Kimberly Ann Doremus

    I grew up with the Muppets. Now I’m sharing them with my kids.

  20. denise low Avatar
    denise low

    My kids grew up with the muppets and now the grandkids are.They have been on the air for a long while.

  21. debra dubois Avatar
    debra dubois

    I took my son to see the Muppet’s live on tour in ’88 and it was fun. I’d love to
    take my grand kid to see them so that he can have the same experience. Thanks for the great review!

  22. Keno Moore Avatar
    Keno Moore

    Miss Piggy interview was my favorite.

  23. Angela Higdon Avatar
    Angela Higdon

    I never really liked the muppets! Even as a little kid they creeped me out. Now everyone acts like I’m crazy lol.

  24. Sherry Compton Avatar
    Sherry Compton

    What fun questions you asked! I like how they continue to stay true to the characters. Miss Piggy will always love being carried in. 🙂

  25. tammy cordery Avatar
    tammy cordery

    their so funny I love the muppets

  26. Jessica Cox Avatar
    Jessica Cox

    I love how witty all of their answers are and the easy banter between them

  27. Jan Avatar

    You’re very fortunate to be able to go to movie screenings and character interviews like this one. This is definitely a movie I want to see 🙂 Thanks for the review!

  28. June S. Avatar
    June S.

    We are huge fans of the Muppet’s here in our home. We have seen every movie ever put out in the theater too.

  29. Candy Kelley Avatar
    Candy Kelley

    Have been a muppets fan since my kids were kids. The review helps determine if I want to take my grandson and Hmmmm I think I will 🙂

  30. Heather Miles Avatar
    Heather Miles

    Haha they sounded like fun!! I loved watching the muppets growing up and I am glad that they are still around for our son to watch.

  31. Bonnie Frank Avatar
    Bonnie Frank

    The muppets are the best and you got to meet classics! ‘Excited to meet you at BBCSTL tomorrow!

  32. Barbara Hull Avatar
    Barbara Hull

    I loved the part when the muppet asked so your name is mommy bloggers but I see at least 3 men here

  33. Sandy VanHoey Avatar
    Sandy VanHoey

    My sister who just retired is looking forward to this so much. She is a huge fan and can’t wait

  34. Linda Noda Treadwell Avatar
    Linda Noda Treadwell

    It’s been many years but I’m glad to see they’re still getting into “fun” trouble.


    I can not wait to see this movie. I use to watch them when I was little 🙂

  36. gigi borden Avatar
    gigi borden

    this is so awesome, thank you for your review, i enjoyed it!

  37. Laurie Nykaza Avatar
    Laurie Nykaza

    So cute the family loves the Muppets good for all ages

  38. tanya holland Avatar
    tanya holland

    I grew up watching the Muppets and now my girls get to enjoy them as well. This is great.

  39. Sarah Elyce Avatar
    Sarah Elyce

    This video interview is adorable. I’m going to have to see the movie.

  40. Dee Edwards Avatar
    Dee Edwards

    I am so happy they are still so active for this next generation of kids.

  41. JoJack Avatar

    so cute! I had forgotten how much I liked the Muppets. I’m going to show this to my kids in the morning.

  42. dawn k. Avatar
    dawn k.

    So, so cool. I am glad the Muppets are still around for my kids and their kids. We catch every movie.

  43. dawn k. Avatar
    dawn k.

    So, so cool. I am glad the Muppets are still around for my kids and their kids. We catch every movie.

  44. MintaBoggs Avatar

    I got to see this movie with my kids and it’s really cool. lot of fun, action, adventure and a lot of singing!

  45. Lisa Garland Avatar
    Lisa Garland

    I really loved the muppets when I was young. I have watched some of the movies with my daughter, I wanted to make sure she new the muppets too!! Cute interview and can’t wait to watch the new movie with my daughter!

  46. Nicole Becker Avatar
    Nicole Becker

    Haven’t seen this movie yet but I plan on buying it when it comes on DVD/Blu Ray.

  47. peacesun Avatar

    I like the deep voice of Constantine and how he asked about the interview, “Is this how you do it? You ask questions of me?”
    NO, you ask us questions.
    The voices and characters have a lot of oomph. Love it.

  48. ado Avatar

    So darn adorable, makes ME want to see it

  49. polly Avatar

    Loved that you asked Miss Piggy if Frog Legs were here favorite food-too funny!

  50. Lara Clinton Avatar
    Lara Clinton

    This is so sweet and fun. I loved the Muppets and I’m glad they’re still going to be around for the future littles! 🙂

  51. Jessica Robbins Avatar
    Jessica Robbins

    Oh, I’m so excited the Muppets are still making movies-they were such a memorable part of my childhood and I’m thrilled my children will be able to experience the joy of Muppet movies.

  52. Brittany Markaverich Avatar
    Brittany Markaverich

    Growing up I loved the Muppets. I am so happy and also proud that my 4 year old son loves them as well. Our children are getting sucked into ridiculous shows while shows like the Muppets and others are being tossed away. I’m again PROUD that my son loves shows like this. It makes me happy to know that he will be able to continue learning and laughing with them!

  53. cassandra Avatar

    I really love the Muppets. I saw the movie with my friend and her daughter and it had me cracking up. I do wish Beeker had a little bit more scenes though. He is my alll time favorite.

  54. kathy pease Avatar
    kathy pease

    I have loved the muppets since I was little and love the fact thaat they are still around 🙂

  55. lilyk Avatar

    Very interesting interview. The movie photo of you with the cast members is great!

  56. Richard Hicks Avatar
    Richard Hicks

    Interesting interview! Jim Henson did the world a great favor inventing these guys

  57. Corey Olomon Avatar
    Corey Olomon

    I’ve always loved the Muppets!

  58. Melinda Stephens Avatar
    Melinda Stephens

    I love the muppets. I can’t wait to watch the movie, but I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until it is out on video.

  59. Priscilla S. Avatar
    Priscilla S.

    Cute! I used to love the muppets so much as a child.

  60. Kathleen Manthey Avatar
    Kathleen Manthey

    The Muppets have always been a FAVORITE! I love the song “Rainbow Connection” from my fave Muppet movie!

  61. Tara Avatar

    How cute. I think I may take my son to go see the movie, not really sure how he will think about it but we’ll see.

  62. Jaime Brown Avatar
    Jaime Brown

    This looks like a cute movie. Just seeing those Muppets brings back so many memories when I used to watch it. I am definitely going to have to watch it:) Thank you:)

  63. Sharon Siqueiros Avatar
    Sharon Siqueiros

    Love the photo of you with the gang!! I’m a huge muppets fan and even though we don’t have kids, I’ll be watching the movie soon

  64. Sam Sam Avatar
    Sam Sam

    So very cool that you have a pic with the muppets! I am very looking forward to this movie.

  65. USARomeo Avatar

    I cant afford to do such a thing, since my accident was done by a driver that had no insurance! My funds have had to go to medical bills!

  66. Sky Evans Avatar
    Sky Evans

    I adore the muppets! cute pic

  67. Peggy Johnson Avatar
    Peggy Johnson

    What a fun interview to do. Miss Piggys wedding gown…incredible.

  68. Lorayne Gothard Avatar
    Lorayne Gothard

    What a great opportunity to meet the muppets!! We loved the movie and your interview

  69. Leah Lucas Avatar
    Leah Lucas

    I always watched the Muppets show on TV when I was a kid! You are so lucky to meet them! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  70. Tammy Woodall Avatar
    Tammy Woodall

    I enjoyed the video. My favorite question was yours – when you asked Ms. Piggy if her favorite food was Frog Legs and she stated that she has been known to naw at them from time to time and everyone started laughing. Too cute. Sounds like everyone had a good time.

  71. lilyk Avatar

    Very interesting interview! The Beverly Hilton Hotel sounds like a fabulous place to hang out with the Muppets.