The Best Diet to Lose Weight and Feel Fantastic!

best diet

best diet

Wow! What a promising headline! The good news is that this diet does really exists, and the even better news is that you do not have to become a fanatic vegan or a super athlete to do it. All you need to do is to stop, think and eat!

OK … let’s start with some basic facts. First off: We eat way too much meat. In fact, the meat consumption in the USA is increasing at a breathtaking rate. Last year alone, the meat consumption per capita increased at the fastest rate in the last 40 years! Where in 2012 an average American devoured around 185 pounds of meat per year, the amount today ranges around 195 pounds. That translates into roughly 4 pounds of meat per week. 4 pounds per person! No surprise that the meat industry is having a field day. They produce meat like no tomorrow, driving the cost for a piece of meat to a record low, which is cool for meat lovers. And the pharma industry …

Second in line of the nutritional no-goes in terms of losing weight are processed foods. White flour, white sugar, white rice and so on. Walking through a supermarket, we get bombarded with huge, funny looking boxes filled with sugary goodness, fried stuff and ready to eat dishes. These contain an abundance of chemicals which help to keep the food eatable for centuries: Good for the food – bad for your health! Wash it down with a gallon of soda or canned ice tea and you are all set for the next episode of “The biggest Loser”.

Then there is the lack of physical exercise. Walking to the car twice a day just doesn’t cut it. But where to find the time for all a good workout between the job, the family, and the so much needed hour or two of relaxation on the couch before going to bed at night?

But we know all that. We’ve heard it. Over and over. And yes! We would love to change, to look just as stunning as the models we see on the internet. We would enjoy being more healthy, fit, and energetic.

best diet

So, here’s an idea!

Instead of going on a stone-cold turkey in terms of not eating any meat or that delicious burger, pizza, Chinese take-away and so on, listen to your grandma! Or at least picture the time when two or three generations back, eating meat was considered something truly special. The term “Sunday roast” describes it pretty well. Back in these days, the main ingredients for delicious meals came directly from Mother Earth. Plants, fruits, nuts, seeds and so on. Why not go back to the roots?

And you know what? These meat free dishes taste delicious! The plant based kitchen holds so many wonderful delights in store … you’ll be amazed! So, instead of eating meat every day, eat it maybe only three times a week. Take baby steps. Picture your change towards a healthier diet as a marathon and not a sprint. The most important thing is: Don’t try to turn yourself into something you don’t enjoy. Instead of forcing yourself into a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, call yourself a “flexitarian”! Eat healthy, eat more plant based foods, avoid processed stuff, and reduce your meat intake. But don’t go all ballistic about it! Treat yourself occasionally to a huge steak, a double portion of fries on the side, a big Coke to wash it all down and have a slice of chocolate cake as desert. And enjoy it!

Here is another thought: Eat consciously! Before you buy food or order something: Stop, think, and act. Try to reduce your intake of fried foods; instead of fries, try a nice oven potato (without the sour cream?!). Maybe change that Coke to a glass of water. Don’t kid yourself with gulping down liters of that “fresh” super sugary fruit juice you buy in the supermarket – make your own once or twice a week! When eating meat, check out where it comes from. Is it locally produced and organic? Was the animal kept free-range? This piece of meat will cost more, but since you’re treating yourself to this culinary delight, go for the best!

If in your living area you don’t have access to farmers markets or super markets that provide organic foods, just order your box of high quality goodies online. There are many delivery services across the USA. Most of them – like the “Green Chef” for instance – recommend a wide range of easy to cook meal plans. Once you’ve chosen the food you like, they will send you all the organic ingredients and the recipes for the meals of your choice.