Emotional support animals are pets which are specifically chosen and trained to be supportive to humans and act as a comfort blanket for those who are vulnerable. Here are some of the benefits you can reap from having an emotional support animal in your life.
They help us produce happy hormones
When you are stressed and you feel overwhelmed, the body produces negative hormones which amplify the feeling we are having and can make us feel even worse. However, when you have a pet by our side and you spend some time with them, they cause your brain to produce happy hormones such as dopamine, and also oxytocin which is known as the cuddle chemical. By having a dog in your life, you will feel much happier and you will be much less stressed out.
They calm us
If you are someone who suffers from anxiety or you have a naturally nervous disposition, the idea of difficult situations can make us feel incredibly nervous and it can cause a panic attack. However, when looking on the certapet esa site you will see that by having a pet there with you, you will have an extra layer of security and safety, and they will make you feel calm. An emotional support animal can reduce your stress and make you feel safe and in control of your life.
They love us
Dogs and cats both need us to live. We are their whole world, and as a result they show us unconditional love. it doesn’t matter whether you wake up in the best mood ever or you want to stay in bed through anxiety all day, your pet will love you no matter what and they will still come to you for play time and cuddles.
They offer therapy
Animals can be wonderful therapists, and they are often taken into hospitals and other places with vulnerable people in order to brighten people’s days and make them feel happy once again. Dogs and cats offer great therapy skills and you can talk through your issues to your heart’s content and they won’t argue with you!
They keep us social
When we have a pet, we open ourselves up to many more social interactions because people will always stop in the street to say hi to your pet and give them a cuddle. People love animals, and if you struggle with making friends and small talk, having a pet by your side helps you to talk to new people and it gives you something to talk about. It makes social interaction a lot less intimidating to manage and it can be so much easier for you to make new friends.
They are your friends
Dogs and cats are your friends, and if you are a person who is struggling with feeling isolated and alone, you should get yourself a pet and look after it in your home. A pet will give you fun, love and entertainment, and therefore will be your best friend.