Take the Pledge and Shop with Your Heart

Shop with Your Heart

Shop with Your Heart

Since I grew up on a farm and still live on one today I know the importance in caring for our animals. Where I’m from our animals are spoiled and given the best of care. They are what keeps our farms surviving and how you are brought meat, eggs and dairy products.

I have also become a huge advocate on free range chickens. I love my chickens with all my heart and giving them a cage free environment is very important to me. Purchasing free range eggs is very, very important to me. Many chickens that are raised by large corporations live in tiny confinements their whole life. I want to be able to put a stop to this kind of life for them! How could someone treat an animal so poorly?

If you purchase meat, eggs or dairy, you have more power than you know. By buying welfare-certified animal products, or more plant-based products, you send a strong message to food companies that you care about the treatment of farm animals.

Shop with Your Heart

Take the Pledge

Pledge to be a welfare-conscious shopper and gain access to an exclusive Shop With Your Heart Grocery List, including welfare-certified and widely available plant-based brands.

You must take the pledge to take a stand so animals can get the care and life they deserve!

We took the pledge, will you?

We are animal people. Every day, they make our lives better. Now we have the chance to make billions of farm animals’ lives better by making a few simple changes to how we shop. Watch the video to learn more.

Get Involved

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Share the Shop With Your Heart initiative and video with your freinds and family, asking them to make the pledge to be a more welfare-conscious shopper: aspca.org/shopwithyourheart. Everyone who signs the pledge also gains access to an exclusive Shop With Your Heart Grocery List, including welfare-certified and widely available plant-based brands.
  • Post a photo of yourself on your social media channels making the “heart hands” to show solidarity with the movement, such as:  “Join the movement with me and pledge to #ShopWithYourHeart! aspca.org/ShopWithYourHeart @ASPCA.”

Are you taking the pledge? Comment below and share with us!