It’s been a few years since I was in college and I have to say tests were always my least favorite part. I always worried about how I would do and in turn completely stressed myself out. I did really enjoy doing most research papers especially when they were agricultural related since I was a pre-veterinarian major. I always found the hardest part of these were making sure I had my citations down correctly. Using would have came in so handy to learn how to mention my sources and give credit where it was deserved.
Plagiarism has become such a huge problem even when it comes to articles online such as blogs. I have to review guest articles very carefully to make sure they aren’t already on another blog. It was always a problem in school too. I can remember students copying other students work or articles they had found on the web. I would never have tried such a thing. I was terrified of ever getting in trouble! I actually enjoyed learning about most subjects that I was researching.
I always had trouble with knowing the correct format to use. It seemed like every time I wrote a research paper I would have to review and remind myself just how the sources were supposed to be formatted. Did you know there are over 30 different formats of citing? Who can keep track of all those different formats? When my son starts writing his first research papers I am definitely going to be suggesting for him to use. It will be a quick and easy way for him to learn how to cite a research paper.