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Everyone has moments where they feel completely fed up with where they live and want to move on. There is a desire to go elsewhere and start fresh. Meet new people, have new experiences, and explore a new community. Sometimes those moments are fleeting and are born out of frustration in our current lives. Other times, it may be the motivation we need to make a big change. How do you know if it’s just a short-term feeling or a legitimate need to create a new chapter? Today we have curated a checklist of feelings to consider before you make a move.

You Can’t Afford It Anymore

Finances are often the very first consideration when it comes to modifying your life. Gentrification has been occurring in many cities across the country and people are finding themselves questioning how that economy will affect them. If you must work two or more jobs just to make your ends meet, it is probably time to reconsider your living situation. It’s commendable that you are willing to work that hard but that much work also pays a toll on your physical and mental health. This may be the only reason you need to call up North American Van Lines and have them haul your stuff to a new and affordable place!

You Have Never Lived Anywhere Else

If you were born and raised in your area, you could find yourself wondering what the rest of the world is really like. Sure, you can watch videos on YouTube and peruse Google Maps to “see” the world but it’s not the same as experiencing it. Some people are happy and comfortable with staying in one place and others have a wandering spirit that craves to have a different experience. Families often play a role in whether you make the change based on this wanderlust. Some don’t like the idea and will convince you to stay. Others will encourage you to go out and explore. There really is only one question to answer. Will you regret never having done it?

Weather Affecting You

The weather can play a role in your choice to stay or go. If you have a depression disorder that is affected by seasons or grey weather, living in Seattle or Alaska is probably not the best thing for your mental health. If you live in an area prone to flooding, that could be the reason for you to move on. Tornados, earthquakes, and hurricanes can create a huge financial burden on you after having to consistently rebuild your life. At the same time, it can wreak havoc on your mental health and not allow you to truly relax in your home setting.

You Are Stuck

If you feel stuck, that could be a sign that you need to move. This isn’t just an emotional feeling, it’s rather rooted in some reality. You may work in a job that won’t allow you to grow and get further ahead. You may want to have a specific type of job that isn’t offered or cannot be benefited in your area. It could be that you are stuck in a job that you absolutely hate and can’t find anything that would motivate you. Maybe where you live simply does not have much in the way of a social scene. Or you don’t live around people of your own age. It’s important that we don’t feel stuck or isolated in any way and a move could be the perfect solution for you.

A move is a big deal! Before you move, get to know other areas and see what appeals to you the most. Maybe you live in the mountains now and crave a beach life. Maybe you live in a big city but need the slowed down routine that comes with a small rural town. Maybe you don’t much care for the small-town life and want to explore a city. No matter what, just be sure that you are ready to take on the challenges and embrace the new culture.