Egg & Bacon Pancake Sandwich Recipe

My family absolutely loves breakfast. We love to eat our bacon with our delicious free range eggs from our chickens. We also love pancakes with extra butter and syrup. I know I’ve seen the combination at fast food restaurants so I thought I’d give it a try. I had just gotten Hungry Jack Syrup and Pancake Mix and also wanted to try out my new T-fal OptiCook Total Non-Stick Fry Pan. Perfect timing to try an egg & bacon pancake sandwich!

First of all, I love using my new T-fal fry pan for pancakes because of T-fal’s Thermospot™ technology. Plus, it’s nonstick so it’s super easy to clean. Great for cooking eggs too!

My son is a big pancake eater. He absolutely loves them! I have bought Hungry Jack pancake mix and syrup for as long as I can remember. The mix is super easy and the syrup is delicious! I love to get the buttermilk pancake mix and butter flavored syrup. I mean, one can never have too much butter on your pancake! We also love using the mix for waffles. Just read your Hungry Jack pancake mix box and it tells you how to make your own waffles.

Okay, on to the delicious egg & bacon pancake sandwiches…

Directions are for one sandwich.


  • Hungry Jack Pancake Mix
  • 1 egg
  • 2 strips of bacon
  • Hungry Jack Syrup

Hungry Jack T-Fal

I love using my T-fal fry pan for these because you can cook everything in it. A one pan breakfast is perfect!

T-Fal OptiCook Fry Pan


  1. Make pancakes according to the Hungry Jack pancake mix box. Easy!Hungry Jack Pancakes Syrup
  2. Cook egg. Cook it over easy, over medium, over hard, scrambled or poach. Any way you like your egg!Hungry Jack Pancakes
  3. Cook bacon. Floppy or extra crispy… whatever you prefer.
  4. Assemble your sandwich. Pancake, egg, bacon, pancake and drizzled with Hungry Jack Syrup.

Easy peasy!Hungry Jack Pancakes

About T-fal

In honor of T-fal’s  60 year anniversary, T-fal and Hungry Jack invite you to celebrate National Pancake Day February 17th! T-fal was actually the very first to invent the nonstick frying pan and pioneered the non-stick cookware category. They have since introduced a wide range of cookware collections, including nonstick coatings designed for use with metal utensils.

In 2000, the invention of Thermospot™ was a major advance in nonstick. The patented Thermospot™ technology indicates when the pan is perfectly preheated by the pattern spot changing to solid red,and gives food the perfect sear.

Since then, T-fal has continued their endless pursuit of innovation, aiming at finding the newest solutions to change and simplify your life. T-fal has introduced a host of innovative household electric appliances, among them a healthy indoor grill (the OptiGrill), toasters, irons, indoor grills, multi-cookers, electric kettles ,and deep fryers.
T-fal is on a mission to change the way we cook and eat so that it is simplified and easier.

Grab the T-Fal fry pan at your local Kohls!Pancake Sandwich

About Hungry Jack

I love the classic buttermilk flavor you get with Hungry Jack pancake and waffle mix. Just add water and you are steps away from the hearty-textured, buttery goodness of a delicious plate of pancakes. They are a good source of calcium with six vitamins and iron. The Hungry Jack Original Syrup is a thick and delicious side kick you need for every stack of pancakes. My absolutely favorite thing about Hungry Jack Original Syrup is that the bottle is designed to fit and heat in the microwave to conveniently provide warm delicious syrup. Plus, it fits in my cupboard! Most syrup bottles are too tall. I’ll admit, the first time I bought Hungry Jack Syrup was because it wasn’t a really tall bottle. I was completely hooked after that!

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How do you like to enjoy your pancakes? Comment below and share with us!


Egg & Bacon Pancake Sandwich Recipe