TOMS Shoes Giveaway

Ready to celebrate on surviving Black Friday? We are! We’re giving away a pair of TOMS shoes!

It is a rare occurrence for me to step foot in a store on Black Friday. You can usually end up getting just as good of deals or better the closer Christmas gets. I always find excellent deals online. Since we’re a few hours from the city the only store we have to shop at that’s twenty minutes away is Wal-Mart which I normally try to sneak in at night when it’s not crazy busy. And living in a small town you always run in to a hundred people you have to chat it up with. Don’t get me wrong, I love to talk with people I haven’t seen in a while but I’m normally always in a rush to get in and get out. So, here’s to Black Friday! How many of you brave the crowds? You never know, I might just do it this year… I’ll let you know if I survive or not. (more…)