Pain Relief with your Smartphone Giveaway

Hosted by Tom’s Take On Things

Sponsored by iTens

Okay, we all get pain sometimes. How we deal with it is different, and varies based on the individual. Some people take over the counter pain relievers. Then others might use ice or warm compresses.

What if there was another way, and that was with an Tens unit that can help alleviate some of the pains that we all go though that we would like to go away.

T.E.N.S stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. TENS is a non-invasive, drug-free alternative for managing pain. For the past twenty years, doctors have been prescribing TENS as an effective way to reduce or even eliminate pain.

TENS sends tiny electrical signals through your skin to the nerve endings to suppress pain via two theories:

1) Gate Control Theory – overriding the nerve pain signals before they reach the brain

2) Endorphin release theory – releasing the body’s own natural pain fighting chemicals called endorphins.

The iTENS deploys waveforms and other technical parameters that incorporate both of these clinical theories to provide immediate and long-lasting pain relief.

itens giveaway

So how would you like to win one of these? It works on its own without a smartphone, but using the app on your iOS or Android device gives you a wide range of options that allow you to adjust the intensity, the wave patterns, and features routines for different parts of the body.

Picture of app running on Tom's Android based phone from Tom's Take On Things
Picture of app running on Tom’s Android based phone from Tom’s Take On Things

Giveaway is open to residents of the United States Only. Giveaway ends 8/8 at 11:59pm EST. There are daily entries on the giveaway widget so be sure to come back and enter daily.

Winner will have choice of iTens device with either small pads or large pads. Selection should be based on what you think you will use it for, based on what body part you might need pain relief from.

If you would like to check out getting one for yourself, check it out on Amazon here. You can buy different pad sizes for it as well.


Giveaway Bandit is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Giveaway is not affiliate with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or any other agency. iTens is responsible for prize delivery. Tom’s Take On Things or any of the other wonderful bloggers helping promote this giveaway were not compensated for this post, nor are responsible for prize delivery.