How To Get Rid of StainsAre you still trying to get rid of unwanted Labor Day stains? Or, are the kids bringing big stains home from school? Here are some tips on how to get rid of the most common stains.

The main 4 tips for treating any stain:

  1. Treat the stain immediately or as quickly as you can.
  2. Don’t rub it in more, blot instead.
  3. Make sure you remove the stain inward so you don’t make it bigger.
  4. Don’t let it dry if you can help it.

Mustard – Use Hand Sanitizer. Blot the stain.

Ketchup – Use lemon juice and the lemon rhine to blot.

Corn on the Cob (oily stain)- Get the oil out with baby powder and shaving cream. Let it sit and it lifts the oil out.

Iced Tea – Make a paste by using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Let it set for 30 minutes and blot.

Wine – Mix toothpaste and hydrogen peroxide. Brush the stain with an old toothbrush.

Sofa CushionsFels Naptha Soap (stock up! $1 for a limited time). Blot with a wet cloth. Rub the bar of soap over the stain. Lifts the stain.

Do you have any suggestions for those hard to get out stains? Share them below!