I love doing my grocery shopping at Hy-Vee. I love their fresh produce, meat variety and organic section. They also offer the most amazing savings and perks with their Fuel Saver + perks card and now on HyVeeDeals.com. I use it to save time and money on groceries!

I have never been a coupon cutter. I always felt like it took too much time. I figured instead of cutting tons of coupons I could be making more money with that time. Hy-Vee has now simplified deals, savings and coupons. With HyVeeDeals.com and the help of my smartphone, tablet or computer, I can browse all the deals and savings happening daily at HyVee stores. I can even clip coupons from the site that are saved directly to my Fuel Saver + perks card. That’s right, no cutting coupons required!


The convenience is amazing! All you do is sign up, select the HyVee location of your choice, sync your HyVee Fuel Saver + perks card and start saving! You can get your Fuel Saver + perks card at any Hy-Vee location.

Hy-Vee Deals

Earn discounts at the pump when you buy your groceries at Hy­Vee – save with our Fuel Saver + Perks card. This is one of my favorite perks! At HyVeeDeals.com it even shows you how much savings you will get in fuel on select items. Hy­Vee has already saved customers over $17 million dollars and counting.

Hy-Vee Deals

We love to cook out any day we can and Hy-Vee offers the most amazing meat and seafood selection. The HyVeeDeals.com was perfect for planning Memorial Day weekend recipes. I was able to make a list right at my computer and bring it up while I shopped. I clipped the coupons available and was able to earn rewards on my card. You can email your list to yourself or I just login while shopping and go through my list right from my smartphone. So easy!

Hy-Vee Deals

I made a few of my favorite recipes from deals I found during my Hy-Vee shopping like these fried chicken sliders. They are so delicious and perfect with the organic chicken breasts I found while shopping.

Fried Chicken Sliders Recipe

For fun I made my favorite treat, sweet and salty pops. I found a great deal on all the items for the recipe at Hy-Vee.

Sweet & Salty Pops

All you need is your smartphone, tablet or computer and head over to HyVeeDeals.com to start the savings! There’s hundreds of new deals every week!

Hy-Vee Fuler Saver Card

Simplify the way you shop with HyVeeDeals.com!

It’s all about convenience. On Hy­VeeDeals.com you can search by product keyword, department or weekly ads – it’s your choice.

Hy-Vee Fuler Saver Card

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How do you save time and money on groceries? I use HyVeeDeals.com!

Hy-Vee Gift Card Giveaway


We are giving away a $50 Hy-Vee Gift Card to one lucky winner! Enter the giveaway here.

Save Time and Money on Groceries with Hy-Vee Deals