The most rewarding way to shop is to turn your shopping into cash back. You can save on everything you love for you and your family including those fun hobbies, your favorite charities, your future and more. Plus, this is a great time to start earning cash back with all that holiday shopping starting now.

I have been a member of several different cash back sites in the past few years but my favorite is Giving Assistant. I am able to save more money, so I can better care for my loved ones and support my favorite charities like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and various animal rescues.

Giving Assistant

First things first, let’s start with the basics…

How does cash back work?

  1. Browse
    Get to know Giving Assistant’s 1,594 retailers. We’re sure there’s a cash back enabled store with your name on it.
  2. Shop
    When you want to redeem a cash back offer, just click through to the retailer via their”SHOP NOW” button and complete your purchase.
  3. Get paid
    Their clever system then tracks your visit and once the retailer has confirmed a sale, they put the cash back in your Giving Assistant account.

Be sure to download the Giving Assistant button which makes sure you never miss a cash back opportunity. You’ll be notified when you’re visiting a participating retailer’s website.

Shopping Cash Back

Favorite Stores to Shop with Giving Assistant

There’s a lot of different stores I love to shop using Giving Assistant but here’s three of my favorites:

Amazon. Giving Assistant offers a lot of great Amazon coupon codes and deals. I was able to save $10 on gift cards over $50!

Birchbox. Everyone knows I love my monthly Birchbox surprises because I love a good beauty box sample. I also shop for a lot of my beauty and hair supplies there too. Besides the various Birchbox coupon codes and deals, I can earn up to 5% cash back on my purchases.

Shopping Cash Back

World Market. I love all the unique finds World Market has to offer. I’m also loving the 8% cash back I can get when shopping there through Giving Assistant!

Those are my three favorite stores to shop with Giving Assistant but there’s so many more! Shopping at eBags saves you 12% cash back, at Macy’s 6%, and even Ralph Lauren saves you 7%. You can even combine cash back with coupons to save more and more dough!

Shopping Cash Back

Check out Giving Assistant and let me know what cash back they offer for your favorite stores in the comments below.