Giveaway Bandit

Many bloggers offer a “grab my button” on their blog. It is a great way to gain extra exposure by swapping blog buttons with other bloggers. By offering the html for them, users are more likely to add it to their own blog. These buttons are normally found with a box underneath containing html. So, I am going to teach you how to add one to your blog if you haven’t already.

  1. Select Your Button Size: I normally go with a 125×125 size button. You can make them larger or smaller, but most users will put a smaller button on their site than a large one. Of course, they can resize it themselves, but some may not know how to do that. I suggest going with a smaller size, but no smaller than 125×125. You want people to be able to see it!
  2. Create Your Image: I use Photoshop to create and edit images, but any type of standard image editing software will do.
  3. Upload Your Image: You will need to upload the image to the server your blog is on. I like to use Fire FTP for Firefox for uploading. It makes everything quite simple.
  4. Copy the Code: <div align=”center”> <a href=”” target=”_blank”><img alt=”BLOG TITLE” src=”http://BUTTONLOCATION.gif”/></a> </div> <div align=”center”> <form><textarea rows=”6″ cols=”20″><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img alt=”BLOG TITLE” src=”http:// BUTTONLOCATION.gif”/></a></textarea></form> </div>
    and add it to your blog. For Blogger, you will need to add it to a new HTML/Javascript Box. For WordPress you will add it to a new Text Box, which is located under Appearance >> Widgets. Change the above capital letters to your locations that you have uploaded. Click Save.
  5. Freaking out? First, calm down. Then you can go to the Grab My Button Code Generator and just have it done for you. Easy Peasy, right?

I hope you are able to now have a Grab My Button on your blog and share it with the world! Of course, we welcome you to add your button above to your blog 🙂 Let us know if you did and we’ll add yours! Contact