How to Improve Fertility at Home

Are you and your partner looking to start or expand your family but having trouble conceiving? Conceiving a child is not always easy. There are ways on how to improve fertility at home. Try these methods first before spending thousands at a fertility doctor. Trying to get pregnant doesn’t’ have to be a waiting game.Improve Fertility at Hom

Keep Track. Try keeping track of your monthly cycles and when you are ovulating. You can track and time intercourse to boost your chances of conception.

Weight Control. Whether you are overweight or underweight, having control of your weight is a good idea. Whether you need to lose weight or gain weight, try getting healthier and maintaining your weight.

Eat Healthy. The above and eating healthy goes hand in hand but be sure you are eating a balanced diet. Add more green leafy vegetables, meats, and fortified cereals into your diet. Increase dietary sources of folic acid which can increase fertility.

Stop Smoking. You should stop smoking regardless but smoking can actually affect fertility in men and women.

Have Sex… A Lot. Quit scheduling in the sex. Be more spontaneous and have more sex. You and your partner will enjoy it and it can increase your chances of conceiving. Missionary style is said to be the best way to conceive but how does one really know. They also say if you have a tipped uterus then try doggy style. It can provide sperm with better access to the cervix. Try many different positions and have fun!

Try Herbs. Herbal remedies have been used for hundreds of years to treat infertility. Try using these for a few months to get the full effects of them.  A common herbal formula used to assist in fertility is a combination of white peony root, Chinese angelica root, Chinese foxglove (rehmannia), and Sichuan lovage root (endium). You can also try Evening Primrose Oil (EPO), Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry, Red Raspberry Leaf and Maca.conception kit at-home

At Home System. Try the new FDA approved, insurance accepted Conception Kit® at-home system designed to improve fertility. It is a comprehensive medical device designed to help couples go beyond ovulation timing and overcome common fertility problems.

This is possible by using the key component of the kit: the soft, latex-free Conception Cap® in the privacy of home. The Conception Kit is covered by many insurance policies as a pharmacy benefit with a co-pay between $25 – $50.conception kit at-home

A prescription is required in the United States. Have your physician write a prescription for 1 Conception Kit®. Now available by prescription at Target, Walmart and Rite Aid pharmacies.

Talk to a registered on staff nurses 24/7 by dialing toll-free (855) 910-9222 to discuss if Conception Kit may be right for you.

What are your tips on how to improve fertility at home? Comment below and share with us!

How to Improve Fertility at Home