Buying a new car? You might shy away from the idea of purchasing it online. But don’t be so quick to disregard this notion because there are a lot of advantages to purchasing a vehicle online. First of all, if you’re buying it brand new, there’s absolutely no chance that you get roped into paying for extras that you don’t need. The price that you see on your final bill is that one that you’ll pay. Of course, if you’re purchasing a pre-owned car, there’s a little more to take into consideration, but there are still benefits.
Buying online, you might just find a rare model or vehicle that you’ve been searching for. For instance, the original Nissan Skyline has been out of production for years. If you want to find one your best bet would be online. You can also import cars that might not be available in your home country. For instance, for our Brit neighbors, there’s a lot of American cars that just aren’t on the market over there. Of course, there are pitfalls that you need to watch out for too so here are a few tips.
Careful With Descriptions
There’s a trick that sellers use online to avoid any liability over selling a dud car. They make it absolutely clear that they have no expert knowledge of vehicles whatsoever. Essentially, they are a lay person, apparently selling a car they used personally. You’ll see this type of description on everything from Craigslist to eBay, and it is dangerous. If you buy from someone with no expert knowledge you have no leg stand on if the car arrives and it doesn’t work as it should.
Legally, there is an exception. If they have sold multiple cars within a few months or years, it’s possible they could be considered a professional seller. At this point, they are held liable for cars that don’t work or for advertisements that weren’t accurate.
Beware Of Deliveries
Car sellers online can charge an absolute fortune for the delivery of your vehicle. Rather than letting them handle the cost, you might want to take care of it yourself. That way you know you’ll be getting a professional service at the right value. There are lots of different car delivery companies to choose from here. For instance, you can use something like Shiply’s car transport service. Used by millions of people, they are very reliable and will ensure you get your car quickly at a minimal cost.
Drive If You Can
Even if you’re buying online, it’s recommended that you do travel if possible to where the car is and take it for a spin. You might even be able to pick it up that day after you’ve tested it on the road. This is really the only way you’re going to know if it’s worth the cost and whether you should commit to a purchase. If you can’t drive the car before you buy you are taking a risk. However, if you’re looking for a car that you’re planning on fixing up, it might still be worth it.
Hopefully, this advice helps you decide whether it’s worth buying the vehicle of your dreams when you find it online.