4 Tips to Help You Lower Monthly Expenses

Lower Monthly Expenses

One of the most significant adulthood challenges is money management; to be more precise, cutting costs on our monthly bills. It is not a skill taught during formal education.

This is not something we think of daily. But as the month approaches its final days, we tend to grab and pull our hair and think: “Why is this so expensive?”

But only a few small tweaks in your lifestyle can make a difference for your wallet. A massive difference. Are you ready to take control of your expenses? We have compiled a list of our top four tips that will turn your life around. Money-wise, that is.

Save on Electricity Bills

We depend on electricity. There are more efficient ways to provide energy, like nuclear, but they still have to become available for commercial use. As we wait, let’s explore the ways of saving on electricity bills.

The most efficient way to save on electricity is to update your light bulbs to CFLs and/or LEDs. They’ll relieve your electricity expenses up to 4 times. They are not only cheaper but last for years as well.

Lower Monthly Expenses
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.

But are you sure that you receive the best deals from your energy company? Are you even sure that this company is the best? Never forget that energy providers are business companies.

If you live in Texas, for example, you’re lucky since there are dozens of companies swearing that their rates are the most affordable. Before you replace all your bulbs with CFLs and LEDs, make sure to compare the cheapest electricity rates in Texas

Cut Expenses on Cable

A couple of years ago, our lives would have been unimaginable without cable TV. We, as humans, crave entertainment. Cable TV was the most convenient and accessible pastime.

But you don’t have to pay for the whole package. Sort out which channels you watch the most and make sure to register for the program containing those only.

And if you aren’t an avid TV user, why not stop paying for cable altogether? The rise of streaming platforms gave us the luxury of abandoning cable. A decade ago, this was almost unheard of. Give it a try and see how it affects your life.

Lower Monthly Expenses
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.

Save on Transport

You don’t have to wait for the end of the month to start acting. Cars today are more of a necessity than a luxury. But that does not mean that you have to spend your whole paycheck on traveling from point A to point B.

If your town has a developed public transportation network, don’t be afraid to use it. You’ll save money on car maintenance, gas, and parking. If Keanu Reeves uses public transportation, why shouldn’t you at least give it a try?

In most cases, we drive our cars to work. Are you the only one working in your office? If not then try to arrange to carpool to work and back. It cuts the bills and minimizes the damage on the environment.

Find a Roommate

For most college students, this goes without saying. And for people fresh out of the university as well. But even if you’ve lived by yourself for years now, reconsider looking for a roommate.

Lower Monthly Expenses
Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay.

If your house has a spare room, why not allow someone to move in? You don’t have to rent it out for good. With platforms such as Airbnb, you can make thousands of dollars per month. With roommates, you kill two birds with one stone: saving on expenses and earning on the side.


On their own, these tips might not seem like they’ll save you a lot of money. But the benefits will accumulate, and at the end of the month, you’ll notice how much thicker your wallet has become. Change the light bulbs, organize your entertainment, and drive off with your colleagues to a much more financially responsible life.