$30 for $60 worth of All Natural, Organic Products

$30 for $60 worth of All Natural, Organic Products

September 6 – 8 2011 Tuesday – Thursday – $30 for $60 worth of All Natural, Organic Products at Ecom


It’s a no brainer: you want to create a safe, loving, toxin-free environment for your family. You strive to buy organic, chemical-free products that work for your children and the environment. Well, this deal doubles your money towards ecomom.com, the leading e-retailer for all things safe & healthy for your family.

Whether you’re searching for diapers, food, skin care, or household items, you can rest easy knowing it’s all ecomom approved. (Each product must pass a 70 checkpoint audit developed by ecomom with experts in child and environmental health before it hits the site!) These are authentically good products that meet ecomom.com’s rigorous standards and are tested and approved by parents. Feel good about you’re bringing into your home.


Founded to address the connection between the health of our children and the vitality of our environment, ecomom.com is an e-commerce site committed to providing parents with solutions for healthy living. ecomom does the research every mom would do if she had the unlimited time and resources, and only provides the healthiest products to go in, on and around your family.