These Moms Are About to Get Bad… Bad Moms

Bad Moms movie

First, I want you to get a good visual of what I was able to experience during my screening of the new Bad Moms movie while in LA at a press junket. We got to screen it at the ah-mazing iHeartRadio theater. They had the most scrumptious appetizers as well as a bar with cocktails.

bad moms movie cast

The bartender was pretty amazing. Apparently after my fifth cocktail he realized he was supposed to be punching our press badges so we only had four drinks. Score for me cause I ended up with several more than I should have.

iHeartRadio theater

To start the night off, the cast came out, introduced themselves and shared some fun stories with us. The cast is beyond perfect for this movie. I’ll say it again… the cast is beyond perfect for this movie!

Then… to our surprise, Flo Ride came out and put on an amazing concert. Um, hello! I love me some Flo Rida! It was absolutely amazing and so much fun while my blogger friends and I downed taco appetizers and delicious cocktails.

Now, on to Bad Moms. I honestly have not laughed this hard since my husband and I watched Eastbound and Down together. It is that damn funny. I’m not even kidding. You must go see this movie! It is absolutely hilarious! Every character was perfect. Every cast member was perfectly place. I couldn’t have placed them better myself.

Bad Moms movie

Amy Mitchel (Mila Kunis) pretty much kills it in this movie. She is the mom that everyone needs to be. Let loose. Forget the PTO or PTA. Forget the MSG, BHA, no soy and start living life like a Bad Mom! Life is too short to worry so much. Enjoy your kids and enjoy your life!

The alpha moms (Christina Applegate, Annie Mumolo and Jada Pinkett Smith) at her kid’s school are far too pushy. They are the perfect moms in our eyes… perfect hair, perfect outfit, perfectly backed school lunch… they have the perfect life and we are sick and tired of it! Amy is sick and tired of being sick and tired! She finally snaps and teams up with two other misfit moms (Kathryn Hahn and Kristen Bell.

These misfit moms take freedom to a whole new level. They are amazing and can related to so many of us that are so tired of trying to be perfect!

So call a sitter, put on your comfy pants, and pour yourself a double Chardonnay, because these moms are about to get bad.

These Moms Are About to Get Bad… Bad Moms

I seriously loved this movie so much. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I watched it with some amazing bloggers, specifically Kim (2 Kids and a Coupon) and Laura (Celebrate Woman Today). We had SUCH an amazing time! I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my time watching the movie with anyone else. Kim kept an eye on my drinks while Laura tracked down the appetizer waiter.

This is a must see! I am even going to take my husband. If you have a group of gal pals then this is the perfect night out but it’s so funny your husbands will even enjoy it! I highly, highly recommend you get your tickets now!

BAD MOMS – In Theaters July 29

In this new comedy from the grateful husbands and devoted fathers who wrote The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life – a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However she’s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that she’s about to snap.

Fed up, she joins forces with two other over-stressed moms on a quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities – going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of long overdue freedom, fun and self-indulgence – putting them on a collision course with PTA Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms.

Cast: Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis Bad Moms

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell Bad Moms

Kathryn Hahn

Kathryn Hahn Bad Moms

Jay Hernandez, Clark Duke, Annie Mumolo

Annie Mumolo Bad Moms

with Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith Bad Moms

and Christina Applegate

Christina Applegate Bad Moms

Studio: STX Entertainment

Genre: Comedy

Writers/Directors: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore

Producers: Suzanne Todd, Bill Block

Bad Moms Movie Poster

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Bad Moms celebrates “Bad Mother’s Day” on July 29 – the Mother’s Day you really want and deserve! Get tickets now:

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