Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe from The Hundred-Foot Journey

Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe

Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe

Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe

I love delicious summer desserts… anything with fresh fruit is wonderful. Enjoy this raspberry and blueberry tart recipe in honor of DreamWorks Pictures’ charming new movie The Hundred-Foot Journey starring Helen Mirren! I’d highly suggest adding some pretty stars or dollops of whipped cream on top of the fruit when you’re finished for presentation! Everyone loves a pretty dessert!

Click the image below to enlarge and print.

Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe

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or look for #FoodieFriday

Be sure to check out more information about The Hundred-Foot Journey!

Like The Hundred-Foot Journey on Facebook: http://facebook.com/100footjourneymovie
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The Hundred-Foot Journey arrives in theaters everywhere on August 8th!

One response to “Raspberry and Blueberry Tart Recipe from The Hundred-Foot Journey”

  1. Linda Manns Avatar
    Linda Manns

    These tarts look and sound so good. Great fruits to be eating also. Thank you for sharing