
  1. Andrea Reaves says

    I would like the Herb Garden, my kids were sitting here though and decided that we need the Taco Garden. I guess mom’s out voted. 🙂

  2. Ronda Patrick says

    I love the Pizza Garden! I also think they kids would think that would be cool, a new perspective on gardening with veggies spun into something they love to eat! ; )

  3. amy t says

    what garden i would like to win would be the pizza garden for my son would love to plant this and take care of it…he love to garden..thanks for a great giveaway

  4. Amanda says

    I would Plant the Taco Garden only because my family loves to make homemade tacos and have tomatoes,lettuce and Cilatro to put in with the Salsa.

  5. Andrea Williams says

    My son loves to try and grow things, and his favorite food is tacos, so definitely the Taco Garden.

  6. Erin Cash says

    I would choose the pizza garden because my kids would enjoy doing that one. Thank you for the giveaway.

  7. StephanieH says

    Herb Garden, is the garden I would pick because I love cooking with fresh herbs

  8. Sue Sattler says

    My grandson is jumping up and down saying the taco one, so that’s is the one we want! lol

  9. Tanya Serrao says

    I love them all, but if I had to choose I think I’d get the Taco Garden.

  10. rainadelrio says

    This looks so neat! We have talked about growing our own vegetables for some time, and this would be a great trial run!

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