Definitely Don’t DIY These Home Improvements

DIY Home Improvements
DIY Home Improvements
Photo credit via pexels.

Saving money in the current climate is one of the wisest things any of us can do, but there are certain ways trying to save money could do more harm to your wallet than you first realised. These are typically in the realm of home improvements. We’re not saying you need to get the professionals in to change your current light bulbs to more energy efficient ones, or add a lick of paint to your bedroom wall. But there are certain aspects of your home you should definitely not do yourself. That’s where we come in. We are going to highlight some home improvements where you’d be better off taking a step backwards.

Your Floors

It doesn’t really matter what your planning on doing to your floors (unless it is painting or varnishing or something) you really want to call someone in. That goes for carpenting, floor boards, tiling, laminate flooring, whatever. It’s not just because these guys will do a better job or cut the risk of you buying too much and being left with unwanted waste; it is also a matter of health and safety. Floors are a big back and knees killer, especially if you don’t have the right tools. So do yourself a favour. Watch from the sidelines and make some drinks.

The Roof

Chances are, you are not a roofer so don’t go on the roof. First off, it is dangerous. Secondly, it is dangerous. And third, if you don’t do a perfect job – which could mean felting, tiling, fibreglassing, constructing a valley or whatever else – you run the risk of a letting in a leak, and a leak can be a seriously costly job to fix. That is why we very heavily suggest that you dial the number of some tip-top Roofing Contractors, get a quote and rest easy. Trust us on that one.

The Electrics

Anything electric is not worth the risk. That is an absolute rule of thumb. The obvious reason why is the fact you could cause serious harm to yourself (and your home). A house runs off a seriously high voltage, and if you haven’t turned it off correctly you are going to feel a throbbing sensation in your arm and chest and find your hair standing on end (like Merv in Home Alone). The other thing you don’t want to happen is you flick your living room light switch on and hear your garage door open. It would get pretty annoying after a while.

The Walls

Yes, a more open planned living room or kitchen or dining room sounds amazing. So does a bigger bedroom. Maybe even combining your bedroom with your bathroom. But taking down the wrong wall could result in you bringing down the house. A lot of walls are weight bearing, and it isn’t always obvious which ones, especially in old buildings. But it isn’t just the weight bearing thing that is the issue; there could be high voltage wires hiding in the walls or a mains pipe or soil stack. No one wants to have a soil stack burst in their kitchen.