Children’s First Aid Cap Comforting Cold/Warm Therapy
When our children get hurt the first thing we want to do is comfort them and make it all better. You obviously aren’t going to run to the doctor every time your child gets a small bump or bruise. Being able to use a natural remedy at home is so important to have available. The Cool Gel N Cap naturally soothes everyday head bumps, bruises, migraines, ear infection symptoms and fever symptoms. Plus, it’s a fun, easy and effective way for your child with this cute first aid cap.
We’ve all tried wrapping a towel or bandage around our child to keep cold or warm packs in place. It just doesn’t work well with a busy kid. And what kid wants to carry around a bag of frozen vegetables on that bump? Not my son! Make it fun and they’ll soon not worry about the pain. This fun children’s first aid cap keeps gel packs in place! The Cool Gel N Cap is for boys and girls ages 1+ with different designs and colors for each. Each pack comes with one cap and two reusable cold/warm gel packs.
The Cool Gel N Cap comes in these cute designs:
Toby the Puppy
and Tulip the Bunny
Perfect for boys and girls! The cap is made of a soft material making it comfortable for your little one’s head.
Watch the video below to learn more about these fun first aid caps:
About Cool Gel N Cap
The Cool Gel N Cap is a Health & Wellness product for children invented by a loving father. His son bumped his head and all dad could think of was helping the ouchie! He tried everything… ice in a drippy dish rag was too wet, unsanitary, and scared his son. A bag of frozen vegetables just made everyone hungry! A cold ice pack directly on the skin stung and made it worse! Then, he hid the ice pack in one of his son’s comfy winter caps and instantly his son stopped crying and the pain started to “chill out”. The Cool Gel N Cap was born.
Watch for the Cool Gel N Cap giveaway coming soon! We will be giving away a Cool Gel N Caps with your choice of Toby the Puppy or Tulip The Bunny.
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33 responses to “Children’s First Aid Cap Comforting Cold/Warm Therapy”
This is a really cute idea and a way to keep them cool or warm without having to hold them down. Even when kids are stick they are still on the go. Plus it is not scary looking so they won’t mind wearing a cute/funny hat!
That’s a great idea! It keeps the cold or warmth where you want it, and the cute cap will distract the kids from their boo boos.
I love this,two out of three of my kids are accident prone, this would be perfect.
That is so great. 🙂 I love this especially for fevers. I can never keep the cool cloth on her head.
This is an amazing product indeed. I love that it comes in a puppy or kitty. It is also awesome it is for warm or cooling and it is a cap. Thanks for sharing,
They need to make these for adult as well. I would totally get this for myself especially when Mom has to take care of me.
I’ve never seen these before. What a great idea!
I think this is adorable and smart! My daughters always fight me with cold compresses when they are suffering a fever. We’ll try out these cute caps!
Those little caps are just adorable and I think even Abby would agree. It’s the perfect way to get her to let me use the compresses.
this is very interesting! I didnt even know these existed haha sure beats an ice pack! Great post, thanks for sharing.
What an awesome little invention and I think this is a remedy my daughter wouldn’t mind using! I love that it can be used as a cool or warm compress!
This is pure genius! I can’t even begin to count the number of times I could have used it. Actually, i probably still can so I really should get it. Thanks for sharing!
That Cool GelnCap is a genius!
This sounds like a really cool idea! I know I could have used it a few year back! I have to tell my friends who have little guys!
I didn’t know that cap comforting coldwarm exist. Thank you for the share.
Wow… this is truly innovative. I like the concept for sure… and they are cute, too! Thank you for sharing them!
i have never seen this before. it looks really neat. i’ll have to look into getting one for my youngest.
We have the one for boys and if I’m going to be honest I thought it was going to be silly. Boy was I wrong! My little ones LOVE this! When you have 5 boys you definitely get your fair share of bumps and bruises. Our gel cap has been a life saver! 🙂
Wow never saw this before, and they are so cute too.
This is such a cute product and so clever. With 3 kids, I totally need one of these!
I think this is such a great product. I might even use it for myself.
These are great ideas for parents with little kids!
I want to gift it to my son.
I’ve seen these before and I love it! I Love the fact that it doesn’t necessarily have to be used on the child’s head, but wherever the pain is! It’s eco-friendly, it can be reused, and it can be used for cold or hot/warm compress! My grandson has bad ear infections and he has had tubes put in his ears twice already! This would be perfect for him to keep on his ears when they are hurting. He has Asperger’s (a form of autism) and he has his moments of “melt downs” and he always seems to hurt his head by banging it or hitting it himself, etc. This Cool Cap would sure help when he has these days! Thanks so much for the great review and all the information you provided to us! I truly do appreciate it! Thanks again, Michele 🙂
Would love this, with 3 boys it would definitely come in handy. I love the fact that it works for multiple things, and can be reused.
OMG, I had no idea these existed! My friends son suffers from migraines and he is only 3 years old. I would love to be able to give them this for him to use. They are always giving him a bag of frozen peas to put on his head. Being 3 he doesn’t always understand why he would need to put cold on his head or a bag of vegetables, but a cute hat, I bet would do the trick! This is amazing. I am so excited about this… can’t wait to tell them about it!!! Thank you so much! Amazing.. simply amazing!
Love the Cool ‘N’ Gel Cap! It would be perfect for my nephew, who suffers from chronic migraines.
This is such a great idea! It is so hard to get kids to put ice in their head.
My husband says he wants one of these for his migraines, lol.
These are cute and would be loved by children to help them with their aches or fever. More easily to use and keep the cool or warmness on their heads. Need to make some for adults too.
I love innovative products like this! I wish we’d had something like this when my girls were smaller. They are Boo-Boo Queens. 🙂
Thanks for the Terrific Giveaway on Children’s First Aid Cap Comforting Cold/Warm Therapy! I sure wish they would have come out with these when my kids were little! These are Terrific! I love that you can use them cold or warm and that it doesn’t just need to be used for a headache! You can put this cap anywhere the little ones have a “boo boo” that hurts! Thanks again! I truly appreciate it. Michele 🙂
The children’s first aid cap is an interesting option for soothing bumps ,bruises,and even symptoms of ear infection.It would be worth a try.