Book Review: Real Moms Love to Eat + Giveaway

Book Review: Real Moms Love to Eat + Giveaway

Book Review: Real Moms Love to Eat + Giveaway

I have always struggled with my weight over the years. Up and down, up and down. It is so frustrating! I know I am not alone. There are thousands of other women who feel the same way. I know sitting in front of a computer for work every day obviously doesn’t help. I am not into snacking. I am not addicted to chocolate. I never buy any type of junk food. So, what is it? To continue a love affair with food to look fabulous with a 10-part plan to making gradual life-long changes in my approach to food.

When Beth Aldrich, author of Real Moms Love to Eat, sent me her book to review I couldn’t put it down. It is absolutely phenomenal! It has become such an inspiration to me and a big eye-opener. No, it’s not another dieting book. It’s your go-to source for creative recipes, food facts, friendly advice, and recommendations on opening your mind to learn more about food. It has definitely answered my question above and I believe it will answer any questions you may have.

“This book is perfect for the busy mom who wants to stay in shape, feel good, and still enjoy a good food!”

— Tracey Mallett, Author of Super Fit Mama and Sexy in 6

From the Book:

“So join me as you discover the key components of the Real Moms Love to Eat plan: step by step, delicious bite by delicious bite, you’re about to get slimmer, sexier, stronger, more energetic, and better at everything you need to do each day. It all starts with the food on your plate… and ends with a better life.”

Learn More about Real Moms Love to Eat and author, Beth Aldrich:

Real Moms Love to Eat Website

Real Moms Love to Eat FaceBook

Twitter – @RealMomsLuv2Eat

Buy It:

Real Moms Love to Eat is currently available for Pre-Order and will be released in January 2012. Pre-Order your copy today to be entered into the Real Moms Love to Eat giveaway!

I was provided with a complimentary product to review. All opinions expressed are honest and my own. I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Beth Aldrich – Real Moms Love to Eat blogging program, for a chance to get 3,000 My SocialMoms Rewards points. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

Thank you Beth Aldrich for allowing me to review your book! It is fantastic!



4 responses to “Book Review: Real Moms Love to Eat + Giveaway”

  1. Theresa Avatar

    This looks like a great book. I am definitely going to check it out. Love getting new information.

  2. Jennifer Hall Avatar

    This sounds like an interesting read!

  3. LisaILJ Avatar

    This book looks really good.

  4. Tiffany Iverson Avatar
    Tiffany Iverson

    This sounds like a fun and informative book and I signed up for their newsletter too!