Billy Butler BBQ Sauce Review

Billy Butler BBQ Sauce

Billy Butler BBQ Sauce Review

My family has stuck by the KC Royals through the good and bad times. I remember my parents taking us to several games every year when I was little and watching George Brett. It was always so much fun to go to a game. Now I enjoy going with my family and our son, the Bandit. He absolutely loves going to see them play. We have always been Royals fans whether they are winning or losing. What’s going on with the Royals winning streak now? Could it be the new Billy Butler BBQ sauce? Or, as they like to call it their Rally Sauce (#RallySauce)!

Watch the Bandit below and see what he thought of the bbq sauce. Yes, I know, he’s out of character!


Apparently something must be in the sauce because the Royals have been hitting and winning! The first 10,000 bottles of Billy’s Hit-it-a-Ton BBQ Sauce already sold out. According to Billy Butler’s twitter, stores will be restocked later this week.



Billy and Katie Butler started Hit-It-A-Ton as a way to raise food to distribute to the less fortunate in Kansas City. The cost of one ton of food is $250 to obtain and distribute. I’m sure that’s how it got the name Hit-it-a-Ton! You can learn more about it at So, what did the Bandit think of the sauce? He normally isn’t a fan of any kind of sauce or even ketchup but he actually really liked it a lot. He said it wasn’t spicy like the kind of bbq sauce we normally use. He gives it a thumbs up!

Billy Butler BBQ Sauce Review

The sauce is available at Hy-Vee, Price Chopper, Rally House and Zarda BBQ in the city. We purchased ours at Hy-Vee in Liberty before it was too late! The Bandit is hoping for a home run at his game tonight and a win from the Royals. We’ll update you and let you know how it went. Maybe Billy Butler himself will even let us give a bottle or two away to the fans… Of course, you’ve got to comment below and let him know you want to try it! Be sure to tweet with our link during games with #RallySauce! Or, retweet our tweet below!



UPDATE: The Bandit did hit a single and double at his game! There must be something in the sauce! Before bed he asked me what we were going to eat the sauce with for lunch tomorrow before his next game. Looks like he’s a believer!

Please Note: Giveaway Bandit is not sponsored nor endorsed by Billy’s Hit-it-a-Ton BBQ Sauce. We simply bought a bottle at our local Hy-Vee store and wanted to share our thoughts with our fans.

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9 responses to “Billy Butler BBQ Sauce Review”

  1. Sherryl Wilson Avatar

    Our family loves BBQ… looking forward to trying this when it hits the shelves.

  2. Colleen Fowler Avatar

    We love BBQ sauce but now have to be so careful that it doesn’t gluten or soy. Your son looks like he love the brand you tried!

  3. chelsea Avatar

    Looks delicious! Love how much you guys are enjoying it!

  4. kathy t Avatar

    we are big BBQ fans.. this sauce sounds great

  5. kathy t Avatar

    the video is the best part.. That young man is great and a good cook…. what a home run

  6. Tara Avatar

    Now I want BBQ. Your son is so cute 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this review!

  7. Meg Avatar

    Your son is a perfect spokesman for that sauce! Great review!

  8. Sherry Avatar

    I’ve been craving some good BBQ. Thanks for this review!

  9. Mandee Avatar

    This sounds really good! Our family loves eating BBQ ribs and anything else we can smother with a great tasting sauce. We’ll have to check this out!