3 Boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax Giveaway

laundry booster

After reading our Borax review, I’m sure you’re excited to give it a try and see how great the results are like we did. We are giving away 3 coupons for a FREE box of 20 Mule Team Borax. We will randomly choose 3 winners so each winner will receive a coupon for one free box.

3 Boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax Giveaway

Giveaway is open to the US and Canada (if you can use the coupon in your area), ages 18 years of age or older. Giveaway ends January 18, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST. Enter to win via the entry form below. Good luck!


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Borax provided a free sample of their product so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.

89 responses to “3 Boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax Giveaway”

  1. Marthalynn Avatar

    I learned their Detergent Booster makes any detergent more powerful.

  2. Tiffany Christie Avatar
    Tiffany Christie

    I learned that it softens hard water. Tiffypoot @ (aol.com)

  3. Val Jacks Avatar
    Val Jacks

    I use borax in my homemade laundry detergent. It works great as a booster


    I have seen BORAX around all my life (I am turning 42 in less than a month) & I never knew what it was, I used to think I WAS laundry detergent but, after watching the videos today, I learned it is an Buffer & I learned the “scientific” way it works with the Alkalinity and pH. Amazing that we learn new things every day.

  5. Debbie Welchert Avatar
    Debbie Welchert

    I like that Borax is !00% natural.

  6. Debbie Welchert Avatar
    Debbie Welchert

    I read your Borax Review. I have never used Borax before and would love to find out if it works as good on my stained clothes as it did on yours.

  7. Michelle Proper Avatar
    Michelle Proper

    I never knew that Borax was a natural product and I learned so much from the video! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  8. Michelle Proper Avatar
    Michelle Proper

    There is no 20 Mule Team Laundry on Pinterest…just pins from other people…it directs you to their 20muleteamlaundry.com site. Just thought you should know.

  9. Tracy Allen Avatar
    Tracy Allen

    I have always used 20 Mule Team as a laundry booster and household cleaner – but I did not realize it was controlling odors too – good to know! Thanks!

  10. Mia Dentice Carey Avatar
    Mia Dentice Carey

    All Natural since 1891…..I LOVE this stuff! Helped me clean my gram’s furniture. (Years of smoke & tar)

  11. ANN*H Avatar

    I make my own laundry detergent with Borax . That with the Goop for grease stains I never tried yet – but I get alot of them kind of stain in my house. I like that its all natural too.

  12. Wendy Mastin Avatar
    Wendy Mastin

    I like the odor control as well as the all natural ingredients

  13. Wendy Mastin Avatar
    Wendy Mastin

    Using the Goop Hand Cleaner first and then let soak

  14. agneschristiansen Avatar

    I like that it is all natural.

  15. Jenn Avatar

    Add a half cup of 20 Mule Team Borax to reduce water spotting, remove grime, and put a shine on dishes, utensils, pots, and pans.

  16. Sandra Beeman Avatar

    I like the face that Borax controls laundry odor and house orders.

  17. Marissa M Avatar
    Marissa M

    It’s boxed in the USA

  18. Jackie Avatar

    I learned that it is 100% natural and boxed in the US

  19. cathy henatyszen Avatar
    cathy henatyszen

    I love this product big time!!!

    All-Natural Detergent Booster with Odor Control
    20 Mule Team® Borax increases your detergent’s power and controls odors to give you fresh, clean laundry.

  20. Dena Sablotny Avatar
    Dena Sablotny

    20 Mule Team® Borax increases your detergent’s power and controls odors to give you fresh, clean laundry.

  21. Susan Johnson Avatar
    Susan Johnson

    I learned that borax is a natural product that softens the minerals in water so that your clothes come out cleaner. It kills odor in your clothes and keeps your other clothes from being stained by dirty ones.

  22. Monica Avatar

    all natural since 1891!!

  23. Dawn Ganey Avatar

    It is all natural & boxed in the USA.

  24. Sallee Glickler aka Sorcha Griannon Avatar

    That: When you add detergent to hard water, some of the detergent combines with the calcium and magnesium granules that settle to the bottom of the washing machine, where it washes harmlessly down the drain without cleaning your clothes.

  25. Sallee Glickler aka Sorcha Griannon Avatar

    Interestingly enough, I don’t live far from Boron, where Borax comes out of.
    I use it in my home made laundry detergent. Works great!

  26. misty farmer Avatar
    misty farmer

    That it is all natural and helps fight stains and it eats odors!

  27. Bonnie Avatar

    I didn’t realize it had so many uses.

  28. Bonnie Avatar

    Goop & Borax… sounds like a good duo.

  29. Audra Weathers Avatar
    Audra Weathers

    I learned that you can use Borox in making your own candles to help reduce ash and smoke problems.

  30. Dawn Justice Avatar

    I learned that Borax is all natural and has been around since 1891. I’ve been using Borax for 3 years now 🙂 I use it in every load of laundry and to clean various things around the house.

  31. Gracie L. Avatar
    Gracie L.

    I learned it softens the minerals in laundry water to get cloths cleaner.

  32. Rachelle Anderson Avatar
    Rachelle Anderson

    I use Borax in my homemade laundry detergent. I didn’t realize it was all natural.

  33. corey Avatar

    I learned that it’s one hundred per cent all natural.

  34. yvonne frausto Avatar

    I have eczema that is constantly acting up in one place or another. I would like to see if borax would help in my laundry or not.

  35. yvonne frausto Avatar

    I learned on the borax website that it is o.k. to use in my High effeciency machine.

  36. nicole barr Avatar
    nicole barr

    borax used to be thought of as the magic crystal to cure indegestion, keep milk fresh and as a cure for epilepsy

  37. Faith Avatar

    I learned that Borax is all natural and made in the US!

  38. lisa l. Avatar
    lisa l.

    found out it’s natural and can be used for soooo many uses.

  39. Gayle Avatar

    Besides using 20 Mule Team Borax to help clean and freshen your clothes, you can also preserve flowers by combining the borax with corn meal. Who would have thought.

  40. Kevin Linkie Avatar

    I learned that it is all natural. A GREAT product in my books.

    Kevin Linkie

  41. Kevin Linkie Avatar

    After reading your review on how you removed the stains I learned that you used Goop and lots of it. Worked like a charm.

    kevin linkie

  42. Gayle Avatar

    I read the review on How to Get Grease Out of Your Jeans and was pleased to hear about your success with grease removal. My son is constantly coming home with grease on his clothes, I’m going to give your method a try because like you, I also have very hard water.

  43. jane Avatar

    I love borax, all natural remedy for ants and much more.

  44. Allie D. Avatar
    Allie D.

    I learned that Borax helps with hard water. I defiantly need that!

  45. Kayleen Considine Avatar
    Kayleen Considine

    It’s natural, fights stains and odors. WOW!!

  46. jorie rogers Avatar
    jorie rogers

    I learned that Borax is a natural product! I had no idea!

  47. Donna Cheatle Avatar
    Donna Cheatle

    I love Borax. I use it for just about everything! I love that it’s 100% natural

  48. Liz Avatar

    I commented there “It helps keep stains from being re-deposited back onto clothes.”

  49. Liz Avatar

    I LOVE Borax! I use it in my homemade laundry detergent!

  50. kathy f Avatar
    kathy f

    I like that it is a natural product.

  51. Dorothy Boucher Avatar
    Dorothy Boucher

    I have been using Borax for as long as i can remember, my parents use to use this product, love it , from cleaning my home to doing the laundry, to freshening up the car or getting the bathroom sparkling clean. great procuct 😉

  52. Emma Dean Smith Avatar

    I learned how to get tough stains out of jeans.

  53. Jill Avatar

    i love that borax can be used in so many ways!

  54. Patricia Graefe Avatar
    Patricia Graefe

    I did not know it was made in the USA and was all natural.

  55. David Haug Avatar
    David Haug

    I learned that Borax softens hard water.

  56. David Haug Avatar
    David Haug

    Rub some “Goop” into the stains, let sit, then wash adding borax to the detergent.

  57. Rhonda B. Avatar

    I LOVE that Borax is 100% Natural and it works well for my “green” home. I’ve used it for quite a few years and will continue to use it!

  58. Ally Avatar

    I like that it helps with odor control!

  59. Sean Avatar

    Borax is all natural and been around for over 100 years.

  60. julie murphy Avatar
    julie murphy

    I use this to make my own detergetn

  61. Melissa S Avatar
    Melissa S

    I use Borax, so I already knew how it works. The history of the company was interesting to read, and I didn’t know it was mined though.

  62. Rita M Avatar
    Rita M

    I like that it is a natural product – I use it because it works!

  63. Rita M Avatar
    Rita M

    Loved your review because the experience you had with the grease stained jeans is similar to an experience I had with Borax – my son-in-law couldn’t believe I got the stain out of his shirt!

  64. Pamela Avatar

    Borax controls odor! Yeah!

  65. Kathleen Avatar

    I hate doing laundry and it’s weird, but I am SUPER picky about how it is done. One of the things I NEED to have is clean-smelling laundry. It is nice to know that Borax is not only a long-time sold and trusted product, but also controls odors as well.

  66. Kathleen Avatar

    well, I am sold! =) I’m going to purchase Borax and see for myself. You just may make a believer out of me! LOL I have used Zout for my stains, but it doesn’t smell so great…

  67. ezmerelda Avatar

    They have been making the product since 1891.

  68. Cynthia C Avatar
    Cynthia C

    I learned that Borax is all natural and boxed in the USA

  69. Crystal Locklear Avatar
    Crystal Locklear

    This is the best product you can buy

  70. Debbie Petch Avatar
    Debbie Petch

    It is all natural since 1891!

  71. Sarh S Avatar

    I like that BORAX is All natural!

  72. Nancy Shaughnessy Avatar

    it has odor control and its all natural.

  73. Heidi LeMay Avatar

    I learned that Borax is a natural product. I use it to make my own laundry soap and save money.

  74. Heather Bridson Avatar
    Heather Bridson

    I learned it is all natural, and can be used in all machines including HE machines

  75. Karen Avatar

    It helps control odor. Thanks for the giveaway.

  76. Roberta MacKellar-Wiebe Avatar
    Roberta MacKellar-Wiebe

    I learned that it softens hard water……which I did not know.

  77. Roberta MacKellar-Wiebe Avatar
    Roberta MacKellar-Wiebe

    Your review on Borax was informative and has convinced me to buy some and give it a try!

  78. Lanicsha Wynn Avatar
    Lanicsha Wynn

    I like that it can be used for more than just laundry.

  79. Marci Schaffer Avatar
    Marci Schaffer

    I like that it is all natural with odor control.

  80. Sandy V. Avatar
    Sandy V.

    It increases your detergents power and controls odors.

  81. kathy pease Avatar
    kathy pease

    20 Mule Team Borax comes from California where one of the world’s largest deposits was discovered in 1913.

  82. Kari Flores Avatar
    Kari Flores

    Fresh-cut flowers of many varieties may be permanently preserved. 20 Mule Team Borax removes moisture from blossoms and leaves, thereby preventing the wilting which would normally result.

  83. laurie Avatar

    i learned that it increases your detergent’s power and controls odors to give you fresh, clean laundry

  84. Beth C Avatar
    Beth C

    borax is natural

  85. Charlene Shaver Avatar
    Charlene Shaver

    I learned that it is 100% natural & boxed in the USA 🙂

  86. Terry Cross Avatar
    Terry Cross

    I like that it is all natural

  87. virginia Didino Avatar

    would like to try this